matt (Yahtzee Posse) profile picture

matt (Yahtzee Posse)

Always looking for cute girls who make poor choices.

About Me

I'm a famous blogger living in Seattle and I think I'm awesome, and so does everyone else.I'm a believer that we bond with people not over things we have in common that we love, but things we have in common that we hate. Here, then, is my list.

Things I hate:

Flip Flops That dress-over-pants thing. Utilikilts The Yankees Dave Mathews band and his fans. Especially his fans.Car paymentsHippiesPatchouliThe PrezEvangelicals and/or fundamentalists of any religion. If you have to ask, this probably means you.Last callPoetry. Really.Bad art Pioneer Square's "nightlife" Parking in SeattleSensitive faux-alterna-goatee guys. Like Nickelback and their fans."Thanks for the drinks last night, but after I left, I hooked up with my
roommate/co-worker/parole officer/bandmate/ex-boyfriend/cab driver and he's my boyfriend now. Sorry!" When people put music and/or videos on their MySpace profiles. My hairline, and, consequently, the fade from fashion of decent men's hats.
I take photos when I'm out and about and they end up on my flickr account:
Because some of you are looking for yourselves. Vanity kills, my friends. Enjoy responsibly.

Also, I write for a blog called Gizmodo. It's good, you should read it. If you're a nerd, that is, or like gadgets, which, of course, you should.

My Interests

Current interests include: Fake tattoos, fake mustaches, kickball taunts, skinny dipping, instant dates, bad ideas that seemed good at the time, girls way out of my league, getting back in touch with old friends, working too much, sleeping too little, after-hours parties, party photos that kick ass, avoiding making babies, surprise guest stars, and my car.I'm trying to find good music, but I hate most of it, so it's hard. I'm trying to decide if I this writing for a living thing is for me or not. I like smart comedy and indie films. I like my BMW. If you can make me laugh and think at the same time, I probably like you, too.

I'd like to meet:

Kari Fucking Byron. If you think I'm a nerd-ass fanboy, you'd be correct. Sue me.
Girls who want to talk excitedly about the LHC.
People that like Pabst Blue Ribbon. People who like to stay up late. Also, people who agree that the eight worst words in the English language are, "Let me read you one of my poems!"If you feel like meeting me, I'm always fucking online.
yahoo - mattoly
AIM - mjmhickey
MSN - [email protected]
You should say hi, I'm a pretty nice guy. Just look at my comments! Look at them!


Elastica, Radiohead, Pulp, Blur, Magnetic Fields, Beethoven, Air, Belle + Sebastian, Motley Crue, Fugazi, New Bad Things, Gn'R, Iron Fucking Maiden, Jets to Brazil, JayZeezer (yes, really), and Weezer, Massive Attack, 3 Inches of Blood, Neil Fucking Diamond, David Lee Roth, the Rosebuds, The Shout Out Louds, The Arcade Fire, Camera Obscura, The Editors, Ratatat, Supergrass, T-Rex, CSS, Hot Hot Heat, Chromeo, and many others, even though I mostly hate music.


LOST, and almost any documentary in HD.


Yes, please. Cussler, McCarthy, Ellis, Morrison, Moore, and DuBrow. Dan Brown can fucking die in a helicopter crash.


And David Lee Roth, George Clooney, Hef, Grant, Bogey, Jarvis Cocker, James Bond, Optimus Prime, Gary Gygax, Han Solo, myself.

My Blog

MySpace Photo Caption Contest

Comment this blog to help me come up with a rad caption for this photo:The winning post will have the caption and credit, with a link to their profile.Good luck!...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 01:40:00 PST

I want your dirty jokes

I love dirty jokes. Good ol' fashion offensive fun. I know many, but I need more. Your job is the comment to this blog with your favoritest dirty joke. Or jokes. I want to hear them! I'll start with o...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 11:59:00 PST

A visual for Jeremy and Erin's benefit show that you're all coming to.

You should all come to the benefit show now that things are all finalized n' shit. It's going to be a good thing.For those who want, there's an event invite in your box, probably. Unless you're far aw...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 02:44:00 PST

I'm going to Vern's for the 4th of July. You should, too.

What you need to do is go here and get the real details. See, every year, Vern has a party. There is beer, and barbecuing, and explosions. Everything we like in one place. I'm going. Are you? You're i...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 01:05:00 PST

Check out this event: C-Average, Speaker Speaker, Rodeo Kill: Benefit!

Hosted By: Matt HickeyWhen: Thursday Jul 27, 2006 at 9:00 PMWhere: The Brotherhood LoungeDowntownOlympia, WA 98501USDescription:Matt Hickey Click Here To View Event...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 12:08:00 PST

Why I love technology.

So today I met Paris Hilton's dad, Richard. I'm in the satellite studio at Fisher Pathways doing a satellite downlink for a webcast. It's kinda cool, but it's what I do. What is even cooler is that t...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 10:56:00 PST

New blog entry.

I love how "blogging" is a category for when I'm writing a blog.This is under duress. I don't like to blog. Wait, I don't like to "blog". That needs quotes, because I hate that phrase. It's pre-postmo...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 03:21:00 PST

The Horror! THE HORROR!

I'll keep this brief.Those of you who know me know that I live in fear and hatred of this dread disease sweeping the fashion-backwards these days, that which is called "flip flops in public". There is...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 10:09:00 PST

Come live with us in Seattle, friends!

Shrug gave several very good reasons why you should join us here in Seattle. I'm adding a few of my own. It's not that Olympia isn't always home, it's the sometimes it's time to leave home. a) More...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 03:30:00 PST

Jackson Hole Wyoming is the new unicorns and rainbows.

So, I took a break from my regular daily "blog-of-funny-linkages" because I am out of town all week. i'm in Wyoming, in the amazing town of Jackson Hole. And I'm just writing this to say, godfuckingda...
Posted by matt (Yahtzee Posse) on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 08:20:00 PST