Carter = Alcoholic Rockstar

About Me

.I'm Carter ... AKA - The Carter Experience. If you're in Central Florida - you used to hear me on OROCK 105.9 and I'm on various radio stations around the world.At this point just enjoying a little time off and hosting events all over Orlando. In addition to hosting events, I now own a company executing events of all types and doing marketing for service industry. And, obviously still do quite a bit of radio stuff all over the place.I guess I have that entrepreneurial spirit ... I always have ideas and like to see them through.When people ask how I am, I can easily answer: 'living the dream'.I'm a HUGE live music fan. Even without working for the radio station I'm still hitting at least 3 live shows per week. Doesn't matter what kind - I love it. As long as the band or artist looks like they're trying or having fun I'll enjoy the hell out of a show.I enjoy hanging out with cool REAL people so by all means hit me up! I'm a pretty easy going laid back type - but at the same time pretty intense. If you like laughing and having a good time we'll probably get along just fine. Though, again ... real people ... fake people: I'll pass. Nothing more annoying than that and I'm pretty decent at reading people so I'll be able to see through your trick-foolery =)Other than that -- I'm a pretty simple guy. Hope to prove it to you when we hang out at some point.

My Interests

Music - without music, there is no life so that's a high priority for me. Golf, Drinking ... um, drinking while golfing. Listening to music while drinking. You get the point... Enjoy cooking but not baking (mainly because I suck with pasteries ... but I certainly enjoy eating them), politics, good conversations, movie nights (home or theater), audio production ... I could go for a while.Also, pretty into learning about all types of things. I'm an expert in 'useless knowledge' and retain that stuff like you wouldn't believe.

I'd like to meet:

I WANT TO MEET YOU!!!Seriously, well, I should say anyone that likes to go out and have a good time, laugh and enjoy life! Cheesy, but true. NOT a fan of drama in the least bit ... rather busy, don't have time or patience for it.I get along with a pretty big variety of people and roll with some rather intersting cats! Hopefully you'll be one of them at some point.But, I'd love to meet someone that can consistantly make me laugh.


Pretty much any and everything ... not a huge country fan, but there are some new country bands that I enjoy. I'm a HUGE Dave Matthews fan - 41 shows and counting (adding 4 to that number this Summer). Basically, I'm a music junkie ... I like pretty much anything that's funky and makes me shake what my Momma gave me ... hi Mom! Especially live music - you'll typically see me out at every show that comes through town. And if you're in a band and have a show - hit me up and I'll be there!Ok ... recorded music ... Jay-Z is always on the iPod and some weird stuff like Jimmy Buffet, Mike Doughty, Mancherster Orchestra, Barenaked Ladies, Kayne, Citizen Cope, Papa Roach, Janes Addiction, Flobots, old school Jazz, Frank Sinatra (who doesn't like the Chairman??), Coldplay, Jason Mraz, Hall and Oates, John Mayer, Foo Fighters, Tribe Called Quest, Green Day, Linkin Park, most 80's music, Soul Coughing, Run DMC, Primus, Pitchshifter, Queen, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, Black Eyed Peas, Pepper, Billy Joel, Mickey Avalon, Huey Lewis ... you name it I dig it!


Swingers, Forrest Gump, Spaceballs, Smokin' Aces, Wedding Crashers, Christmas Story (don't judge me...), What About Bob, Oceans 11 (12 somewhat, 13 not so much), Princess Bride, Naked Gun, Aeroplane, Fight Club, Hostel II, 6th Sense.My favorite types are probably stupid humor movies though ... and just about anything that's 1) quotable and 2) memorable!


Don't really watch TV ... but on the rare occasion that I do - Golf Channel, Entourage, Flight of the Conchords, Brotherhood, Weeds and Family Guy are pretty much all I'll ever watch. Oh, and the news. Watch lots o' news


Don't really read books as much as I'd like. But, one great book if you haven't heard of or read is The Secret. I've liked and studied that way before Oprah, so she can suck it, with all due respect.


Hmmm ... that's a tough one. My parents for sure since there is NO way I'd be in the position I am without them working as hard as they did and sacrificing a lot for a 13 year old kid to work in radio. I hope when I have kids I can do the same for them! Dave Matthews, Frank Sinatra, Bono, Tony Robbins, Baskin Robbins and Robin Hood ... ok, the last two not 100% true.

My Blog

The Carter Experince: Acoustic Sessions - Rob Thomas 3am (on Piano!!)

Even if you're not a fan of Matchbox 20 - this is an amazing song. Rob Thomas doing a solo version of 3am on a piano ... and he recorded this at 6am after what looked to be quite a long evening for M...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:28:00 PST

Music News 10.17.08 (with AC/DC interview!)

I've been trying to post this all damn day but Myspace is being a bastard ... none the less - back at it again. This is fun ... I almost forgot how much I like doing interviews and searching for info ...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:07:00 PST

Music News 10.16.08 (First Edition! YAY!!)

It's the first ever Carter Experience Music News on Myspace! Today we've got chart action, talked to Franz Ferdinand about the new CD and got a release date, Mike Doughty & Saliva tour news and pl...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 02:43:00 PST

The Carter Experience: Acoustic Sessions Volume 1 - Mike Doughty (Soul Coughing)

Alright ... made up my mind and made it happen in a hurry!! This is episode 1 of The Carter Experience: Acoustic Sessions. I'll put these up once or twice per week as well as a new Daily Music News s...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 10:16:00 PST

How ’Bout Dem Apples?!?

In the radio business - it's safe to say that us radio personalities have a self-life of bread or in some cases fresh fish - which is short to say the least. So, knowing that it's been 10 months since...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 10:32:00 PST

Will Think For Food

As you probably know, I typically get to write you a little update on myself and my life to let you, if you care to read along, know about what I've been up to. Another goal in spewing my thoughts is ...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 10:31:00 PST

As Staind once said, It’s Been A While ...

I, like Stella, am getting my groove back. It took a little while, but it's almost back. I'll be honest, the last few months haven't been the best ... not to say they have been bad - just not as Cart...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 08:45:00 PST

Mysteries and Updates ... all in one blog! OHHH

YO! What's shakin you sexy beast, you? Haven't typed out one of these in a while. Actually, I was on vacation (from my job of 'retired guy') on Cape Cod for a while ... and even pondered mov...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 02:35:00 PST

The Morning After

As you might know, I do a thing called Urban Sunday Funday on Sunday's at Urban Flats. A lot of people do Sunday Funday in one form or another  but we have found a new level of drunken fun. Though, t...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Wed, 07 May 2008 07:47:00 PST


First of all & my apologies for the delay on writing a blog entry, I know it's been a while. I was semi-shocked to have people email to me to ask me to write something, so I guess I had to. Reason to ...
Posted by THE CARTER EXPERIENCE on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:03:00 PST