Interests...hmmm. I suppose I have a few, although they all seem to escape me at present. All should be concerned about Central African civil conflict, I'm ridiculously passionate about that, yup, and on the other hand I really love Law and Order and Blind Date. Then there's Hilbert's 8th problem, whether the market admits a representative agent, and quietly, if I can slowly and temporarily fall asleep...
So, I remained alone,
Counting the empty days.
O, my free companions,
My swans!
And I'll not summon you with a song,
Not bring you back with tears,
But in the sad hour of dusk,
Remember you in my prayers.
Struck by the deadly arrow,
One of you has fallen,
And another, kissing me,
Has become a black raven.
But it happens, once a year
When the ice is melting,
I stand by the clear waters
In the Catherine Gardens.
And I hear the splashing of great wings
Over the blue surface of the lake.
I do not know who has opened the window
In the prison of the grave.
Anna Akhmatova
A poem of some great history...
Husker Du, Sugar, Son Volt, Lucero, Joy Division, Pogues, Sinead O'Connor, Lori McKenna, Iris Dement, K's Choice...wait did I get distracted in the "girl singer" area. Fuck, I could get lost there and never leave. And be happy. Back to the program...Material Issue, Hum, Waxing Poetics, Antic Hay, Palace Music, Robbie Fulks, Dave Alvin, Slobberbone, Social Distortion, early REM, and naturally, X.
Everything by Raymond Chandler, Jim Thompson, Kafka, Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Lewis Carroll, John O'Brien, David Goodis, Nelson Algren, and Flannery O'Connor. Highlights? Oh, not the magazine. Just: The Long Goodbye (Chandler), The Blue Octavo Notebooks (Kafka), Stripper Lessons (O'Brien), Pop. 1280 (Thompson), I, the Jury (Spillane), We (Zamyatin), Alice (Carroll), and Never Come Morning (Algren).Good reading for a sunny morning.Just finished Hey Nostradomus, by Coupland. Like it kinda much.