Ä. HERNANDEZ profile picture


Thats it thats the shot

About Me

What up.. Im a upcoming photographer out of Redondo Beach...I also have a few other things Im working on such as a photography website,Tshirt line, and ART. Im a very very creative person, I think about it dream about it and it puts me to bed at night....Currently im working this crappy bakery job at this crazy restaurant just so I can make my rent...Im also working on my own portofolio so if you would like to help a brotha out by modelling send me a message. You can check out some of my work on my bosses website www.OdessyBarbu.com I assist this amazing photographer!! I do all the lighting and such. Its a cool job and it beats sitting in a photo class all day. Yea so have a nice day!
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My Interests

Fashion Photography-Soccer-Surfing-Cloves-reading




Shawshank Redemption-Elizabeth Town-Prime-Space balls-all naked guns-Total Recall-Meet the parents- Startky & Hutch- These are my favorites


Peoples Court


My utmost for HIS highest


My Grandpa 1920-2006