Life Begins at Conception...
Abortion is the leading cause of infant deaths.
4,000 infants die a day
25,000 deaths a week
109,000 infant deaths a month
AND These statistics aren't up to date. The Goverment refuses to give the most up-to-date information on abortion. The numbers have likely increased.
Think about it. Why say women have a choice when it should not be up to them?
Abortion: " The termination of pregnancy, accompanied by, or closely followed by death of a fetus. The medical procedure of inducing expulsion of a HUMAN to terminate a pregnancy." In other words... MURDER.
On average, women give at least 3 reasons for choosing abortion:
3/4 say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities;
about 2/3 say they cannot afford a child;
and 1/2 say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.
These are not valid reasons.
Facts about Mental health problems post Abortion:
92% of women felt Emotional Deadening. Which means they Reported either feeling less in touch with their emotions or feeling a "need to stifle their emotions"
86% of women had an increase in Rage or feelings of Anger. and 48% reported they became more violent when they were angry.
86% had a feeling of fear of others learning about the abortion, or a general greater sense of fear for unknown reasons.
82% of women felt as though they were in isolation and feelings of loneliness.
75% of women who had had abortions had lower self esteem and self confidence.
73% of women had an increase in sexual dysfunction. Meaning Increased pain during intercourse, promiscuity, frigidity, or loss of pleasure.
63% of women were in Denial.Respondents were asked, "Was there a period of time when you would have denied the existence of any doubts or negative feelings about your abortion?" Of those responding yes, the average period of denial that they reported was 5.25 years.
58% of women Suffered from insomnia or nightmares.
57% of women who have had abortions had Greater difficulty in maintaining or developing relationships.
56% of women had Suicidal feelings and thoughts.
53% of women had Increased or began use of drugs or alcohol to cope with pain.
39% suffered eating disorders which began after the abortion (binge eating, anorexia, or bulimia)
28% of women attempted suicide after having the abortion, and more than half of those women have attempted it two or more times.
Facts about Physical health problems post Abortion:
Over one hundred potential complications have been associated with induced abortion.
"Minor" complications include:
minor infections, bleeding, fevers, chronic abdominal pain, gastro-intestinal disturbances, vomiting, and Rh sensitization.
The nine most common "major" complications
Major infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock.
In a series of 1,182 abortions which occurred under closely regulated hospital conditions, 27 percent of the patients acquired post-abortion infection lasting 3 days or longer.
one possible outcome of abortion related infections is sterility. Researchers have reported that 3 to 5 percent of aborted women are left inadvertently sterile as a result of the operation's latent morbidity
The risk of sterility is even greater for women who are infected with a venereal disease at the time of the abortion
In addition to the risk of sterility, women who acquire post-abortal infections are five to eight times more likely to experience ectopic pregnancies.
Cervical damage is another leading cause of long term complications following abortion. Normally the cervix is rigid and tightly closed. In order to perform an abortion, the cervix must be stretched open with a great deal of force. During this forced dilation there is almost always caused microscopic tearing of the cervix muscles and occasionally severe ripping of the uterine wall, as well.
Later in life when women had a "wanted" pregnancy they either could not get pregnant because of being sterile or they had an "incompetent cervix". Meaning their cervix could not carry the weight of the pregnancy. Therefore the cervix would open prematurely causing either a miscarriage or a premature birth.
Cervical damage from abortions increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and complications of labor during later pregnancies by 300 - 500 percent
Not To mention: women who have had abortions face a 58 percent greater risk of dying during a later pregnancy.
If women had been informed correctly about these facts before they made that decision, maybe many more lives would be saved. Mothers and Children.