Wifery. Whelping.
Art: oil painting, drawing, design. My husband's cartoons. Architecture, AKA dissecting the souls of cities.
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Blues, always blues. From the Delta to Memphis. No "new" artists except for Olu and Les Nubians (who I allow because they rocked us at the HOB.) R L Burnside. Junior Kimbrough. Model T Ford. Cedell Davis. Fat Possum Rocks!!! Slick Ballinger. Jimmy Reed. Ella. Bessie Smith.
Bluegrass. "Blue Moon of Kentucky." Twangy Loretta, Haggard, Cash. The stuff I was weaned on.
The pinnacle of the rock art form: The Beatles.
Stones(who rocked us at Comiskey), The Who, Dylan. Some Elvis. Etc
dig a pony
If it incessantly repeats itself and translates itself into other languages for the edification of my child, then it is viewed ad nauseum. If it predicts the weather, then it is viewed ad nauseum.
What Type of Fairy Would You Be?
You are a Frost Fairy
You are the most independent of all the fairies. You more than accept change, you relish it. Your free spirited and uncontrolled. Your strength draws people to you. You stand your ground and are not afraid of conflict. You are self-reliant and expect no one to take care of you. You enjoy your time alone and use it to collect your thoughts. Without your solitude, you become frantic and easily distracted. You connect in a relationship using your aggressive sexuality. People are often put off by your confident personality, and are not sure how to take your bluntness. This will cause others to shy away from you. As all fairies are pack rats.., you surround yourself with tokens of the past to remind you who you are and artwork to stimulate your mind.
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The Good Book.
The others follow in any order: Huckleberry Finn. The Old Man and The Sea. True At First Light. Moveable Feast. All Papa. Gatsby. Cannery Row. Oh, my Cannery Row! Sweet Thursday. Grapes of Wrath. Red Pony. Winter of My Discontent. All Steinbeck.
The Rubaiyat. Einstein's Dreams. A Fine Balance. All Vonnegut. To Kill a Mockingbird. All Austen. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The Brontes. To the Lighthouse. William Carlos Williams poems. Hurston's Of Mules and Men. Black Like Me. Siddhartha. Gulliver's Travels. A Superfluous Woman. Heart of the Hills. Voltaire's Candide. Morrison, McCourt, Faulkner, Lamb, Fielding. Camus' "L'etranger."
My late father who was a self-made man. His father who was a self-made man. My bold, strong husband who is the sweetest guy I ever met and one helluva father.