Just about anything, love thrill seeking sports however I only jumped out of a plane once but I love white water rafting and simply just having fun with those who make me laugh
Oprah, just to say that I met her, Jack Johnson, "The Former Something" (nice plug for those who know that band and for those who dont go to their web page), and the inventer of Push-UP Bras illusions are everything!!!
Mostly songs that I know the words to and for those who know me I dont know many words to many songs...lol I enjoy all types of music but I PrEFERE hip hop
Right now my favorite movie is Crash, I thought it was well written and well acted. Kind of movie that actually made you think about alot of racial issues that plague us every day
I have to admit im a junkie to REAL-aity TV. But my favorite show that i have not missed an episode is The Real WOrld.. Iknow im a dork you dont have to tell me
A million little pieces and My friend Leonard were both excellent even though Oprah was a little burnt by the lies I still read it
My mother she has been through hell and back and is still a very strong woman