bOuT mE..
1. name? == jOaNnA
2. How old are you? == 18 yEarS oLd
3. Do you have any nickname? == yuP..!!
4. When was your first love? == 2nd sEm 1st Yr coLLeGe...
5. First kiss? == wHeRe??? ;)
6. How tall are you? == 'bOut 5'5 ft.
7. How many ex bf do u have? == uHm..sEcwEt!!!Hehe.. ; )
8. Sour, spicy or sweet? == SWEET..!!
9. What would u do when you are free? == gO oUt..
10. Obsession == CHOCOLATES..!!
11. Do you club? == yAh..
13.What are your favorite magazines == cOsMoPoLiTaN, sEvEnTeEn, cAnDy mAg, FHM
14. Are you a drinker? == OcAxionaLy!!!
15. How much money will you bring when you are out? == i dUnNo.. iT dEpEnDs..
16. Car, diamond or money? == MONEY!! i cAn bUy aNyThiN i wAnT nMaN eH..
17. What phone are you using now? ==mAh fOnE..
18. Coffeebean or starbucks? == sTaRbUcKs..!!
19. Where do you stay? == uSuaLLy fRiEnD's cRiB,, yOkO dTo sA bHaY eH..
20. What is your favourite food? == CHOCOLATES..!!
22. Chocolate, Sweets or cake? == CHOCOLATES..!!
23. Can your ears move? == YaH..!! WaNnA SeE???
24. Do you dye your hair? == nOpe..
25. What languages do you speak? == tAgLiSh..
26. How many phones are in your house? == 3 wireLess, 2 mEi cOrd...
27. How many toilets?? == 2.. wAnNa uSe tHeM??
28. When you are doing your business in the toilet what would you do? == miNd yOur oWn bUsiNeSs..!! =P
29. Do you swim? == yAh..!!but i dunnO hOw...hAhA...
30. Do you gamble? == i dUnNo hOw tO pLaY tOnGiTs nGa eH.. eHeHe..
31. What is your favourite sports? == sWiMmiNg!!
32. Love, techno or classical? == r 'n B
33. What is your favourite drink? == RH dw?..LoLz.. =P
34. What is your temper? == hUh??
35. What kind of person are you? == sWeEt.. ;)
36. What would you wear when you go to bed? == nOtHiN' ;P
37. What is the 1st thing to do when you wake up? = oPeN mY eYeS,, DUH??!!
38. Do you eat breakfast? == yuP..
39. Favourite tv shows? == MTV & MYX..!!
40. Who do you want to meet? ==mAh pRiNcE. . .=PI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!