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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Retarded!!!
INSANE Guitar Hero!!!! - Watch more free videosI'd like to start off by saying "I Don't Trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die" Hi, i'm tommy d, I like lots of stuff. Like muffins, why don't alot of people give props to muffins. I like blueberry myself, but i could never turn down a dunkin donuts croissant, with there flaky outside and the hint of butter flavor inside, yum. SO as i was Sayin, i like to
  • travel
  • drive
  • walk, talk, think, eat, sit, run slowly slowly.... kinda like that little jog you do accross a parking lot when a car is driving and they let you go, ya know, like its respecful to let that driver of that very car in front of you, let him know, I'm going, thank you for this opportunity to cross and i will repay that favor by speeding up this walk to a jog-like strut, ummm yea, so i like to make peeps chill the fuck out and do things they would never do if I let them make the decisions. Bigg Pimpin Baby, I strut and i know how to cha cha too.

    My Interests

    A short i did called LIPSTICK LIPSTICKMy main thing is movies, I love, Love, Love em, I'm fifty, 5----O, book em Dan O cuz I'm Fifty. But for real, I'm chill i like it all, the glitz the glammor, I love being a Pimp, I've Been one for 6 years now, I Respect My bitches, I only Beat a bitches ass once in a while ya know, If a bitch get out of line FO SHOO i'm a slap her lice ridden ass in line, You know HOW i ROLL I have 13 Whores working for my now, I've cornered the market on Market, You know what I'm saying, heheheheh, thats right I holds It Down, On Dawgs
    Take a look at this:

    I'd like to meet:

    A bitch with a sweet ass, and a nice cock and balls


    I love Blind Melon, The Bravery, Strokes, Muse, slick Rick , WU TANG and many many many more, I like it all "I like the girls with the Pumps In A Bump" Hammer(after he dropped the MC) "And even after all my Logic and My theory, I add a mutha fucka so you ignant niggaz Here me" Miss Lauryn Hill(fugees) Mr Sean RevoltahI dig this line "You're Goin Down And It feels Good But You ain't wearin What you should All the people that you've had? the Time is overCount your Blessings Count the times You forgot their names Committed the crimes All the People that you've had? The Time overOh! it's time to make amend's Cos' you've been Burning the candle at both ends" Dirty Vegas
    You Are 16 Years Old
    Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

    13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

    20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

    30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

    40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?


    Terrorstorm - WATCH

    TerrorStorm By Alex JonesThe long-awaited arrival of Alex Jones' latest trend-setting documentary has arrived! TerrorStorm delivers a powerful sucker punch to the architects of global terrorism and how they stage false-flag events to achieve political and sociological ends.Alex journeys from the depths of history from the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Liberty and Gladio through to the Madrid and 7/7 London bombings and robustly catalogues the real story behind the government induced fable.This film contains viable solutions on how we can reclaim human dignity and freedom and prevent the global population from becoming the slaves of a prison planet."A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny."I love all movies, Who am I to tell someone there vision sucks, I'm Tom Dill and if your shit sucks I'll let your stupid ass know, Like that awful movie the Grudge, what the fuck was that, stupid Bitch You Geller whore, but her man was Hott, so what everJohn Waters, and more John Waters, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Tarintino, Tim Burton, Requim for a Dream, Wet Hot American Summer, Visitor Q, ShortBus, The Color Purple (and no one won an Oscar for that, bul shit) Dark Crystal, Clue, Blow , Snatch, Simon Birch(made me cry), Goonies, 5th Element, Rules of Attaction(more so the camera angles), Saw (acting wasn't so great) Princess Bride, AirPlane, Naked Gun, Trick, All over a Guy (lisa Kudrow + Christina Ricci, need i say more) CAMP, Princess Mononokee, I'm Gonna Git U Sucka!!, Matrix, Legand Of Billie Jean(fair is fair), ELLEN PAGE!!!!! anything TREY PARKER OR MATT STONE DO, fuck there are so many more, but i am done typing


    I need one to watch my movies RIM JOB


    I'm a harry potter Bitch, what can i say, What Color Is Your Aura?
    Your aura shines Orange!
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    My Brother (may he RIP)msprm name="movie" value="" ..

    My Blog

    Childhood Crisis .

    EnjoyI wrote this for a class a few sems back! I just found it agian, and love it, its about a childhood crisis, and this I belive is some what true! Read it up, you'll enjoy and Love it all the sam...
    Posted by Thomas on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 02:10:00 PST

    GAG reflex

    so i just downed a Monster but not in a violent wayit, I drank it, and now I'm ready to fall asleep, how does that work,Shutes and ladders is what i needbut I'm a gay, and i must feedThe urge inside m...
    Posted by Thomas on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:26:00 PST


    random ME:   so I start with the random and don't stop, I keep thinking to look back, then i realize, what??  What is there to turn my back to , hmmm, everything I guess,...
    Posted by Thomas on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:11:00 PST

    Hidding Feelings of a Dyke

    Look at her face and realize She lies and puts on her Disguise Her pants torn open what's the comotion She fucked the entire team the last niggas dick was like a Beam torn it up then iced around but i...
    Posted by Thomas on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:04:00 PST

    Dating Mishaps

    I dated this boy his nick name was Betty this dude was mad weird he'd munch on Confetti I use to slap him on the ass, and send him on his way now that i think of it, this was the other day for Ch...
    Posted by Thomas on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 07:06:00 PST


    Veiwed by lots - all my blogs diped in slots - for all you hogs I love it so much you care what i say I always thought "that'd be the day" Dick sucking and ass grabing is what i like and aparently if ...
    Posted by Thomas on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 01:46:00 PST

    Soul of Vision

    Lost souls placed in our lives to torture they make us who we are and what we'll be the decisions made are informing to us believe in us and right and wrong Karma will sort things out for sure and if ...
    Posted by Thomas on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 02:45:00 PST

    Meaningless Sex

    My hands lie still and i realize the unforeseen shit my hands are in a bind I must use a word like keen but then you are lost  and I type as a bug crossed Oh no my head is not right these thought...
    Posted by Thomas on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 02:13:00 PST

    Dick Sucking

    They call me crazy and I agree Bitches don't you fuckin stare at me I repaaaaZent for far too long You know I'm right Never will be wrong even though you claim to have invented me Bitch all you did wa...
    Posted by Thomas on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 07:55:00 PST

    Last Thought

    Drops of earth brush against my arm Realizing that this moment may be the last The last moment for Me to Look at you as you were a Free Man You fucked up this time You hit Me again - Ohh this time yo...
    Posted by Thomas on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:29:00 PST