Kendall profile picture


Alot of people get confused and the bruise real easy when it comes to love, they start putting on th

About Me

Create your own Friend Quiz hereOkay so there is something more important to me than breaking benjamin coming to concert. BRITTANY AND RYAN ARE HAVING A LITTLE GIRL. IT'S A GIRL! And I am the god mom of their little girl. I can't wait till she's here. It's going to be awesome, they are going to make great parents. Love you guys.
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My Interests

Alright so as of lately all my interests seem to be going towards graphic design. But anyhow, I love listening to music, haning out with friends, going to concerts, going to the movies, building web sites, driving fast when I can, just sitting outside goofing off, I like watching t.v. and haning out with my brother. He's retarded but eh, I deal with it. I like anything that has to do with animals, basically. I like to read when I have extra time. And that's really all I can think of.

I'd like to meet:

Well...I've descided to update my myspace and soo that means updating all this shit also so here we go . . . I'd like to meet the lead singer of Breaking Benjamin because that guys voice is just awesome. I'd still like to meet Bond, I mean come on who wouldn't ? Uhm..I'd like to meet if I know. Honestly. I have one more, and I think deep down everyone out there agree's with this one, i'd like to meet The Man. I mean there's always talk about " The Man " I'll leave that up to you to decide who the man I could be talking about is, but we all know. -wink- ..


Yeah I decided to take out my music, if you really want to know what I listen to just ask.


Some of my favorite movies are : Stay, Devils Rejects 1 and 2, Genisis, and Nature Movies, and just about any scientific Deep Ocean or just plain Animal movies/documentary. Saw, Saw 2, Ice age, The Transporter, Bongwater, Saving Grace, Tenacious D the movie, Dazed and Confused, Wedding Crashers, Old School. SNL the best of Will Ferrel, Out Of time, The Day After Tomorrow, Core, The Cube, The Ring, All Michael Myers movies, ( Halloween movies ) And I guess All the Austin Powers movies,Waiting or any other Ryan Renyolds movie. Any animal house production. uh mm...I'll add more when I can think better.


The Loop, Free Ride, The Simpson's, One Tree Hill, The O. C. , C.S.I. , Law and Order S.U.V., Animal Planet, Planet Earth, Mythbusters, South park, squidbillies, aqua teen hunger force, go meatwad! Uh mm I'll add more later.


All Ray Bradbury books ; All Isac Asimov books ; All Robert Heinlien books ; Phillip Wylie ; Edwin Balmer ; Connie Willis ; Frederik Pohl ; John Barnes ; Peter Watts ; Pretty much anything that's good hardcore Sci-fi.


Honestly, My mom and dad are totally my heroes, but after them my friends are close behind. -nod-

My Blog

Be yourself.

It's quite possibly the most commonly used phrase in the history of advice: Be yourself. But it's such a vague adage. What do they really mean when they tell you to be yourself? And is it really as ea...
Posted by Don't Panic on Tue, 29 May 2007 02:24:00 PST


Well lately i've been looking at the people around me and their love lives, and this is what I noticed about everyone one of them, a few of them have found the love of their life, others have lost the...
Posted by Don't Panic on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:34:00 PST

My First Tattoo

So i'm getting my first tattoo next Friday. I pretty much think I've got it all worked out, like what i'm going to get and where i'm going to get it. But i'm down for some suggestions if anyone has an...
Posted by Don't Panic on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:25:00 PST