My kids (Mike, Gizmo & Mr Biggs), Traveling, Shopping, EATING, DRINKING, Concerts, HAWAII, Scenic views, Skiing, Swimming...Pretty much Everything exciting & Spontaneous!!!!Too Much Fun in My Life!!~ I LOVE MY FAMILY ~
I think I have enough friends!! :)
every kind of music that is easy enough for me to learn the words to, so I can sing along with the song in the car when I'm bored!
All movies, especially the previewed ones I can buy at Blockbuster, you should see my collection...(girlie ones are the best)!!!!
In the morning I wake-up to Saved By the Bell or MTV, and @ night I fight for the remote to watch my movies on HBO or DVDs. =)
Inspirational books - Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, Davinci Code, Devil Wears Prada, Fashionista & Magazines (STAR, PEOPLE, US, SELF, FHM, LUCKY ) ... can you tell I like Magazines??
My MOM...She is the best thing in the world! She is always there when i need her to take care of me. I LOVE YOU!!! My DAD, SIS and BRO... I love you all VERY much, you are my SUPPORT System! My GIRLS.. without all of you i don't know what I would do, I would seriously go CRAZY, I tell ya... and my ROOOMIES goodness gracious you girls can listen when i talk your ears off, and keep me company when I feel lonely, THANK YOU!