Jessica Simpson- White Chocolate Mocha Fraps- Tapioca Milk Teas- Rollercoasters- Lakers- Jamba Juice- Tiffany's-sevens-White Chocolate Covered Strawberries- T5S- RVCA- Nachos w/ tons of jalapenos- Winnie the Pooh- Gucci-chanel-Maltipoos- Friends- Family- Bagels w/ cream cheese- Nick Lachey- TV- Beer-wine- Ashlee Simpson- RYAN-Cabrera- Disneyland- -Coffee Ice Cream- Naps- Reading magazines- Spicy Sausages- Trojan FB- My Juicy Dessert Lip Gloss- LV- Roses- Pharrell Williams-strawberry mochi ice cream-trojan fb-
NEWLYWEDS (It's OVER! So sad...)- 90210- OC- Laguna Beach-Desperate housewives- Grey's Anatomy-Deal or no deal-Friends- Extreme Home Makeover- Real World- Ashlee Simpson- Everybody Loves Raymond- Saved by the Bell- Full House- Food Network-Oprah- Meet the Barkers-Americas Top Model- The Amazing Race-I Love Lucy-MASH (haha)...I'm a TV-holic! And especially SC games! fight on!
All I have time to read now are my OT books and those I still don't read.