cordbound profile picture


velkommen, jeg er Tiffany og jeg er soster din

About Me

Layout made by Serial Killai sigh, i dream, i scream...i am human and releasing my demons here in my space...

My Interests

to lose myself in the music, living down here in the mud and gazing up at stars an anonymous creature euphoric...they prick a Nordic ice within my vein and i feed, i feel as i should've been, as i will be

I'd like to meet:

En dag, familien jeg skald...look at her when she passes you by...feel him as he denies you again...


Ulver...II of Nattens Madigal..."Ulvens billeder hafvre eengang/ Til Hex & Diefvels Stothed tienet/ Om Gustroe vidnet--morcke men maektig/ Ja med Grenser viide som dend verden, dend la ode/ Satans skabede det som for deris Blik/ Bilver overjordisk, han er Slik/ En Maan i Ulvham..."


The Virgin Spring, 1959, Sweden, starring Max Von Sydow...trippy


"Every day i grow more immune to social sedatives... every day the web is more transparent" V.


The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Anne Pierce...again...


he who refuses to cease .. src=" er/organ_1.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"

My Blog

II-For Ulver, written to song II N.M.

It was a wolfstiff-muscled with chillacidic from the failed hunteach day its own eternityhuffing and serpentineon that white plain,strayed far on thin iceof that alabaster, Solstheim plain.Cringing wi...
Posted by cordbound on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:30:00 PST

awaiting the end

...the frost that crawlsthe storm that comesbreaking of earthand ear...send all the weakto bed tonightfor Saetith's Reign is near... RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH...
Posted by cordbound on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:49:00 PST

Hermit Herald

Blessed heresy,curs'ed hewn stone hasp of bitterness and woe...finite...hollow...see how it wears a wound at thy wrist,grooves in the smooth of thy wakeful mind!Holocaustic stringsplucked early in the...
Posted by cordbound on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 11:38:00 PST


This man, as Icarosbecamegrew beyond and insideand wings that whip of his whim The significanceof that his wings melt not This wakeful fire, as Promethiusburns purebetrays gravityand self-made gods Th...
Posted by cordbound on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 06:10:00 PST


Devastation the bright crack hall,the locked doorlonliness, it disturbsLater, water stripped from memy muscle, fatty layers on which i used to feed.Reaching out to gather intestinesblundering to the f...
Posted by cordbound on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 06:05:00 PST

to Daniel

Coil End Flawlessat lastbuoyant, pulledever forward,thrown to where crystal fallsEternalHorn towernear than neverbeckoned by dark windows,beckoned but passed overQuestionless nereverine of hostan abse...
Posted by cordbound on Thu, 25 May 2006 04:49:00 PST

we of metal on this path, it is our strength, it screams so we won't have to

Rarely Travelled Road Metal bore me;i wailed at mycreation, i mournedand shook my fist.i cried.Black metal raised me;i stood as steel,inhaled and took my placeto whatever end....
Posted by cordbound on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:00:00 PST

one given for one taken away

Ritual Festering splinteronce such a necessity...the pumping organ.Felt it there,knew but left it rotting.Nonchalantlyrolled its eye,bit deepsolely for the taste.It didn't mind,it didn't mind killing....
Posted by cordbound on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:55:00 PST

today is Kameth's 12th birthday!

Bourne Shunned of lightborn blind in sunand starved for bloodfractured shadowrisen of a blasphememorningtide.First instinct: cut cord and run.Laying low in ruinhidden from a searing rayhybernating in ...
Posted by cordbound on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:46:00 PST


Myspace Gods Pantheistic godwyrm of swirl in melancholy playmasked by self-made names,given dark visionin day i bow to you Atheistic godlooks and sees the lies of being lostsalts blackened songinto a ...
Posted by cordbound on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 08:31:00 PST