exploring places unknown, ive been to plenty of foriegn countries so far but my passport still has empty pages. i want to fill those with memories and great friends.architecture and the way design applies to peoples everday lives.
you don't meet nice girls in coffee shops
i have been looking at jazz for the last few years, whats better than coltrane at night. still tuning my ears for what i like. as far as "coming of age" music that's the late 70's-early 80's punk and new wave stuff... i have an ipod full of music that i copied from cy, 90% is unlistened to as of yet so i may have some new favorites coming up soon.this is a nice simple version of flaming lips playing Baba O'Rielly with pete townsend, just a little backstage jamming
current replaying film has been "taxi driver" for the last month..scenes just replay in my head different times of the day..it almost made me buy an old taxicab last month.
summertime is not for the TV, its for getting out and seeing friends. that being said, i am hooked on a discovery channel show "how its made" great shots of factories, robots, welders and conveyor belts....really cool stuff
i like to read, i just never seem to finish them anymore. guess it comes with being busy. so i go thru magazines. i get dwell, metropolis, uk esquire, the thursday and sunday new york times...
The Mobboss loves a sausage McMuffin extra value meal every now and then, but he will not super size it.