Gnarla profile picture


bbbbbbbbb gooooood

About Me

Ra$pberry Grunt

I'm pretty sure I'm an acquired taste.

Chronic list maker. When I can't find paper I write on my palms. Sometimes the writing even finds its way onto my legs.

I would dress in costume everyday if it was socially acceptable.

Junk mail pisses me off.

I like animals (more than I like most human people)...except for Bart's dog Roger.

I get a little grumpy when I don't eat.

I <3 rainy days.

My Interests

-Stuffed animals in cars as decoration.
-The watery stuff that comes out of the mustard and ketchup bottle when you first squeeze it.
-Chain restaurants.
-Cigarette smoke.
-Itchy sweaters.
-Mean, hateful, gripey people.
-Bad parents.
-Bad parents that think they're good parents.
-Mr Bush.
-Department stores and malls.
-Iceberg lettuce.
-People who have entire conversations based on movie quotes.

+Guilty pleasures.
+Rain storms.
+The simple things in life.
+Crushed ice.
+Vintage clothing.
+Soy chai.
+Independent businesses.
+Interesting conversations.
+Learning new things.
+Cozy hoodies.
+Spring and fall.
+Ashes the cat.
+Buying presents for people.
+Theme parties.
+Indian & Thai food.
+Deco/Mod furniture.
+Board games.
+Fresh herbs.
+Vegan chocolate.
+Reducing, reusing, recycling.
+Plant-derived products.

I'd like to meet:



Hot nerds.

Whoever will buy me lots and lots and lots of shoes.

A baby unicorn, but I'd settle for a baby goat.

Hopeless romantics with a sense of humor.

Someone to teach me how to fold a fitted sheet properly.

Profiles that don't flash, move, or sparkle.


Oh, a luna moth and a Smart Car. Update: I met a Smart Car. woo.


NPR. The Magnetic Fields, Built to Spill, Mates of State, Superchunk, Jawbreaker, Bowie, Elliott Smith, Blonde Redhead, Architecture in Helsinki, Ladytron, The Organ, Aqueduct, Cut Copy, Metric, Descendents, MBV, GBV, love ballads by hair bands, blah blah blah blah blah...


Netflix addict.


TWIN PEAKS VIEWING SOCIETY @ CIRCLE CINEMA! Flight of the Concords. Whose Line is it Anyway? Red Dwarf. Home Movies. Mythbusters. Firefly. Mr Show. Spaced. MST3K. Ghost Hunters.


Sedaris. Nin. Bukowski. Gorey. Silverstein.


People who do what they truly love regardless of fame or fortune.
Free spirits.
My Grandma, whom I miss terribly.
My awesome friends.
My momma.

My Blog

I recently (re)found this. It's always been one of my favorites.

Punk rock love is fucking behind the dumpster down the street from the show. Fucking in the shower at the Hotel Carlton. Making out in the recycle bin. Looking at her tattoos while she's asleep. Takin...
Posted by Gnarla on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:31:00 PST

things worth watching

Posted by Gnarla on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:10:00 PST

See, I was cool once.

Not really. Define cool. During my recent move I found lots of "old" pictures (circa 1995-2000ish). I have decided to put these pictures up for your amusement. Why didn't anyone ever tell me that I l...
Posted by Gnarla on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 09:06:00 PST

Dirty Dates and grape-nuts!

Mike Rowe (host of Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel) is sooooo dreamy. I sure wish he hosted a reality show called Dirty Dates with Mike Rowe....
Posted by Gnarla on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:31:00 PST

Gonna have you naked by the end of this blog

sucker.No, but really though, I just rubbed curry in my eyes.
Posted by Gnarla on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 06:45:00 PST

It's official...I'm crazy

I took my grandparents to the park today.
Posted by Gnarla on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:00:00 PST

Happy Holidays Maggot Mouths!

I recently found a letter to me from Santa, circa 1982 (I was 5): Miss Carla-Rose, We saw you tonight! It was cold wasn't it? We are happy you are going to school now. We are getting good re...
Posted by Gnarla on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:40:00 PST

someone put a spell on me

Jon said that I was an impeccable speller. My first reaction was, how do you spell that? "impeccable."??? impecible? impecable? impeccible? impeccable....................
Posted by Gnarla on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST