I keep a busy schedule if you want my time then be on time, Be honest, Be drama free and Be you ;). I work full time, play poker at crazy horse in World Tavern Poker league, fish in summer,go to movies,see live bands & roleplay. So I'm always busy doing something my time is important don't be a flake cause I'm sensitive and take shit personally. heh
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Boondock saints Pulp Fiction Knights Tale Devils Rejects Wedding Crashers Napoleon Dynamite Memento, Saw, Fight Club Gladiator Braveheart Elf Old School Billy Madison Happy Gilmore Black Sheep Tommy Boy
Dont get chance to watch much. Adult swim or poker
Mostly Fantasy Novels. Anything from Forgotten realms or Dragon Lance, Chronicles by Weis & Hickman will always hold special place in my heart. Favorite authors Weis & Hickamn Stephen R. Donaldson Thomas Covanent series & Gap series Mirror of her dreams set was fun read R.A. Salvatore Really likeing Ed Greenwood. Gor Series by John Norman was interesting read. She's come undone by Wally Lamb one could say chick book, but very powerfull read none the less. Mists of Avalon- Marian Zimmerman bradley. currently reading Fire & Ice series by R.R. Martin very cool so far.
Bro John cause he taught me compassion and what Loyalty & Friendship is. My Lil Elf she is my soulmate she will always be in my heart and soul. She is always perfect in my heart & eyes. She is a wonderful and loving mother to her children.Someday... Till next the fates are kind Henry Rollins cause he doesn't do anything half assed and inspires others to improve themselves and be better persons in all things they do. DimeBag Darrel inspiration to live life to the fullest. "Getcha Pull" before the whole shithouse comes down on us.