esh profile picture


To the left, to the left... all of your shit in a box to the left..

About Me

I am outgoing, happy, and funny! I always have a smile on my face to brighten up ur day! I am a sexy, smart, independant black woman with goals and ambitions and Won't accept anything less than that from the man i decide to let in my world. I'm down to earth and a cool ass chick that u could talk to about anything. believe me, been there, done that! I live on my own and i did it by myself with no handouts. I have a niece and 2 nephews who I love more than anything in this world. Ciara, Jeremiah and Jaylen.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
.PleaSe ReaD Mah InFo.

NaMe- Aisha
AGe- 24
B-DaY- March 12th
ZoDiAk- Pisces
BirThPlaCe- Jersey
CurRent LocaTion- Jersey
ChiLl SpoT- anywhere out of Jersey
NatIoNaLiTy- Black
Best FeaT- my slanted, sexy eyes, they help me get what i want!!
StAtUz- single, but exclusive dating some1 special
Y i'M SinGle- Making sure he's the right 1
Eye ColoR- brown
HaiR ColoR- black
HeiGht- 5'4
ShOe SiZe- 8
Right HaNded or LefT Handed- right
YouR FeaRs- dying
YouR WeakneSs- a nigga with a down south accent (like T.I.'s)
PepSi or Coke- pepsi
MacDoNalds or BurgeR KinG- Mc Donald's
Lipton Ice Tea or NesTea- Lipton
ChocOlate or VanillA- Im a chocolate fiend!!
SwEet Or SoUr- Sweet, like me!
Fav. CarTooN cHaRaCtEr- woody woodpecker (ya'll dont know bout that nigga!!)
Fav. CoLoR- RED
Fav. MovIe- Coming to America, Soul plane, How High
Fav. T.v. ShoW- The Wire, Prisonbreak
Do You HavE any TattOoz- yes, 2
Do You HavE aNy PiErCinGs- yes, tongue ring
Do You DrInK- yes
What Do U DriNk- Henny Please!
Do You SmoKe-
WhAt Do You SomKe- that purple
Do you waNt To go to ColleGe- i did go, bout to go back again, further my education
Do yoU want To get MarRied- in the future
Do You wAnT kidZ- not right now
How ManY KidZ You WanT- 3 or 4
Do you geT along wiTh your PaRents- they aiight
Who Do YoU LiVe WitH- a roommate
Are You MomZ Lil Gurl Or DadDyz- neither
Have yOu Been in LovE- yeah, once

My Interests

music, movies, helping people, history Free Myspace Graphics

I'd like to meet:


MySpace Layouts


I love down south rap, r&b, and some good ole' hardcore NYC rap, DIP SET ALL DAY!!


Coming to America, Menace to society, How High, Grease Free Myspace Pictures /center


The Wire, American Idol, House, Family Guy


Anything by Zane, B-more careful, A Hustler's wife, G-spotcenter Free Myspace Graphics


My Grandma, without her, who knows where I'd be right now

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