*Z@IN@* profile picture


LuV NeVeR GiVeS Up,NeVeR LoSes FaiTh,Is AlwAyZ HoPeFul,& EnDuRes ThRoUgH eVeRy CiRcUmStaNCe!

About Me

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..Hi!My name is Suzanna and I am originally from Lakeland.I have three children of my own:Sasha-10,Shyla-7,& Xavier-4.Soon I will be married to the best man a girl could ask for.He has two children that I love dearly,Kailynn-11 & Stephen-9.I am currently going to school to be a medical assistant.I chose this field because I love to help people and because my daughter Shyla was born with a neurological disorder called Rett syndrome.I have been through so much with her and there is still more to come.Having to deal with something like this has made me want to learn more about the different conditions people have and how to help them deal with it.I am a very loving and caring person,and will go out of my way to try and help others.I am always there for my family and friends when they need me.I like to have fun and enjoy life.
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The Hero's Path

The International Rett Syndrome Association presents a short film about Rett Syndrome and the Circle of Angels Research Fund. Introduced by Julia Roberts

My Blog

Rett Syndrome Research

Here is the web site that talks about the latest breakthrough in Rett Syndrome research http://rsrf.org/reversal_experiment/index.html We have even more hope now than we had before.Maybe one day Shyla...
Posted by *Z@IN@* on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:37:00 PST

October is RETT SYNDROME awareness month.

Hey everybody, October is Rett syndrome awareness month! My daughter, Shyla(7 yrs old) has rett syndrome. She was diagnosed with this when she was 2. Rett syndrome is a rare neurological disorder...
Posted by *Z@IN@* on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST