I'd like to teach all them hackers a thing or two maybe even three...1...Im smarter than you so i can restore evrything you are trying to break down...2...I'm thick faced so i don't care wat you post or say about me on the internet...3...Bring it on buddy!!!!
Anything with a good beat...I play it out...It has to be good enough to be on repeat...
Shits that make you think wtf did just happen????MeEt JoE bLaCk...Even i fell inlove with the devil... or the grim reaper...watever he was...WitHoUt A PaDdLe...One of the most stupidly funniest movie i ever saw...JuiCe...Bishop Baby!!!...ThE LiTtLe MeRmAiD!!!!
OnE TrEe HiLl...I love my wednesday nights!!!
FoReVeR....Every girl shuld read this one...b
The Little Mermaid...