I'm a scruffy looking writer, reasonably intelligent. Not Brad Pitt, but not Ernest Borgnine either. My house is a repository for books and I love movies more than is reasonable for an adult person. (Princess Bride, Cabaret, Liquid Sky, anything by Monty Python or Robert Altman. Old Disney. New independents. Etc.) I have a writing partner who I also own a business with (with a real office. We even have a Ficus tree), but he's straight, poor dear. In fact he's here right now helping me with this profile. Because I'm way too humble. Plus, he can spell.
We've published a book (hold for applause), called Weeping Willow: Welcome to River Bend, based on our on-line satirical serial that had fans all over the world. You can find out all about it (and us) and read the first three chapters free here: www.JosephCoaler.com
A silly new web site: OwnYourOwnCelebrity.com where you can own your own celebrity!
A little video we made:
Weeping Willow Public Service Announcement
Don't let this happen to you!
Weeping Willow Public Service Announcement
Written by: Steve Mancini
Directed by: Geoff Hoff
Actor: Ken Miller
Dog: Bob
(This is a re-enactment. No actual actors were harmed in the making of this movie.)
Weeping Willow is a comic novel written by Geoff Hoff and Steve Mancini that started out as an on-line satirical serial.
To order a copy of Weeping Willow from Amazon.com, click here ...
(If you'd like to comment on our video, go here .)
And then there's Poor Paul. Steve and I write it. Here's the trailer:
Poor Paul - TrailerSign up for our email list and be notified when a new episode is posted! Just enter your email address and click "go".
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And then there's this Star Trek parody I played Scotty in:
.. The Trouble with Twinkies
Deep Background About Me (the boring stuff):
Maternal grandparents were from Italy and Malta, paternal grandfather was Pennsylvania Dutch, grandmother "Daughters of the Revolution", a particularly snooty bunch of women who think having relatives who fought a war is something to brag about.
My family is mostly Baha'i. I meditate and pray but don't have a religion, per se. I'd love to be able to say I'm Druid, but that's more cool than practical, I'm afraid.
I have a BFA in theatre from Fort Wright College in Spokane Washington. Since I graduated, no one has cared that I have a BFA and the college no longer exists. But we did some fine plays way back then.
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