Church, hunting, fishing, camping, reading, writing.
I can think of noone that is living that really impresses me enough to take my time to meet them. I enjoy chance meeting better, unexpected and unplaned. Then you are more likely to meet the real person not the planned one.
clasic rock,prise and worship, jazz, blues, I try to listen to creative non mainstream talent. Mainstream music is usually highly overated.
Bad black and white Sci-Fi, Monty Python, LOTR, Jackie Chan movies, Bruce Lee. I like to explore but rarely make the time.
Cops, Myth Busters, Red Green & Royal Canadian Air Farce, Mail Call, Survivor Man.
Bible, mostly books on tape, I went through most of James Pattersons books, I found his work addictive, Anne McCaffrey, Tolkien, I am listening to many different authors, I love to explore this area also.