Holly profile picture


Seek truth beyond tradition

About Me

I'm pretty down to earth. Love fashion (clothes and shoes!) Been living in Chicago for almost 4 years now and loving it (more than likely moving to California in a year.)I've been an Exercise Physiologist for about 4 years and loving it..
Cool MySpace layouts available at Tower Codes
MySpace profile was edited with Tower Codes

My Interests

Tattoo's and piercing!!! I love music- playing instruments/singing, fashion, sky diving, swimming, working out, movies...

I'd like to meet:

I love to meet people that not only stimulate the physical, but also the soul... spiritual, intellect, and so forth. Love people with a sense of humor. Anyone with integrity and self respect are good in my book.


Enjoy a wide range of music. Getting into international music a lot. Love house music, latin beats, reggae, soul, jazz, and believe it or not, musicals! I play the trumpet so I also favor music with brass.


Anything trippy! Magnolia, Crash, Vanilla Sky, Closer... Movies that make you think


Don't watch too much tv, but when I do, it's usually Grey's Anatomy, or Adult Swim (Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Moral Oral, SeaLab!)


I'm a total book worm! Just finished "The Secret", "Dahli Lama Ethics in the New Millenium", and "The Alchemist." Currently reading... "Mastery of Love," "Power of Now," Favorites... "Alchemist," "Angels and Demons," and "Four Agreements."


So many role models, but you have to really get to know me to know who and why they are my role models

My Blog


NEw York times..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> BoƮte http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/30/fashion/30boite.html?ref=f ashion A Shot of Goji, Please By RICHARD ...
Posted by Holly on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:31:00 PST


I am so disheartened right now.  I know I usually only right blogs when somethings on my mind so once again, here goes! I love to meet people in hopes of developing new, wonderful, healthy friend...
Posted by Holly on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:20:00 PST

Goofy pick up lines...

So I've decided to post a blog with all the goofy pick up lines that I have heard or may hear...  Feel free to add some more. 1. Baby, I've been in prison.  I used to be a gang banger, sold...
Posted by Holly on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:06:00 PST


So after writing a blog for women, I decided to write one for men as well.  Just a thought that was on my mind... Don't even know how to start this, but for some reason, I got a little irritated ...
Posted by Holly on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 09:42:00 PST


This is a plea to women... it disheartens me so much to see other women not only direspecting women but by "hating" on them without even knowing them.  I think it is so sad when a female ins...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 06:01:00 PST