So many interests, so little interest. Just ask and i'm interested.
A cute chick with a hot ass!!!Fletch, Fat Sam, Mr. Poon, Alan Stanwick, John Cocktoasten, Hall and Oats, Will Farell, Mr. Bean, Stewie, Hank Hill, Chevy Chase, Neil Diamond, Rodney Dangerfield, Clint Eastwood, Foreigner (yeah...thats right), Ike Turner, Frank Turner, Dianna Louis (so I can kick her ass!!!), a 40 year old virgin, Tom Cruise (so I can kick his ass!!!), Eric Buell, Rachel Ray, Hurricane Katrina, David Hall, Osama (any of them), and maybe yur muther.
Yeah, its pretty cool.
Yeah, they're okay too.
I like tv. Without it, life is an open book.
Hate em, they make good kindling. Now magazines work...cuz I dont have to actually read them to get the idea.
The world needs heros. I've heard i'm a hero. Class starts Saturday at 2.