Drinking up to 10 and then some bottled waters a day, making my own bed while kicking stuff under it. I have a weird neighbor that sits outside in his boxer shorts, and I find myself staring so now he thinks I'm into him. The mail man is always late, but he is such a nice guy....now to be more serious...I like whatever is interesting and worthwhile. I don't waste my time, energy, and efforts on things that aren't worth it. I sometimes have a tendency to be very passionate person. And, I hate it when things that I love somehow get riddled and tainted with malignant things.
BJA because he is a BAMF
Always the music.
Whatever is worth the captioning to see what is being said...
Remember Daria? Family Guy pretty much does it for me, unless I feel like watching antics of "actual" people.
Let me be space conserving-whatever is good.
Have and had them. Why did you forsake me Easter Bunny?!