I'd like to meet:
Thank you...
After a long hiatus from MySpace, I think it's about time I bring this shit back to those who have shown TheLegendsLeague the kind of love it's meant to show right back.
The following on www.TheLegendsLeague.com has been amazing, and I'm not about to forget what got this shit all started. So, heLLo again.
For the very first time.
Welcome To The Legend's League
With Love&Respect
The Legend's League is a term which refers to all influential aspects of our lives. Our parents, teachers, peers, partners, bullies, burdens, music and it's moguls are all part of our Legend's Leagues, and so is the dude at the bar, the lady on the bus, and the customer who left a tip. Because these influences vary from person to person, The Legend's League will forever be undefined in its undying growth.
Through clothing, written word, music, artwork, events and the building of a strong community we seek to represent the aspects and facets of class, culture and creed truthfully and from the gut.
While being influential may be unintentional, we will make recognizing those influences as universally accepted as the concept of cause and effect is. Say word.
Why the heLL does everyone have an (*LL) on their names? Well this is no different than wearing a button or badge for something you support, no different than posting a pic of something you agree with, or wearing a shirt just 'cause you love the design. If you agree with what TheLegendsLeague is about in our mission to spread love and support to those who have influenced and inspired us, and do it in a manner that is not disrespectful or hateful to any group or individual.. then fuck, throw an (*LL) on the back of your name. You've been in this since the day you were born.
We Welcome You
To The Legend's League
Just for old times sake...
Please visit us at www.TheLegendsLeague.com
and join Our Group on Facebook
Ya'll have been a huge support, and I am forever indebted to you for the Love&Respect you've shown for TheLegendsLeague.