Kat [*LL] profile picture

Kat [*LL]

I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm somewhere you're definitely not.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Back by popular demand.

Things you notice as a party slut:
(1) Thou shall not slow wine and make out to Ante Up.
(2) TROY has lost all its effect. So has Poison.
(3) Never get caught up in the corny asian girl/white dude corner.
(4) Being drunk does not give you permission to violently take your clothes off and whip people.
(5) Give the black girl room to dance. Chances are, she can move in a way your body will never allow you to.
(6) Do not proceed to battle the black girl. Sit your non-rhythmical ass down.
(7) I hate nerd rap and rap nerds. Congratulations on climbing the 4 steps out of your basement to go to a jam.
(8) Just because there is a stage, it does not mean you should go perform your grade 5 interpretive dance routine.
(9) Lipstick lesbian is synonymous to attention whore.
(10) Girls, have you ever listened to the lyrics of Heads High?
(11) The club district is just as foreign as Harbin, Heilongjiang, China.
(12) Why say goodbye to each person for 15 minutes when you know you're going to see them at the next jam, the same night, 2 blocks away?
(13) I'm not stush. I'm tired. I've probably been up since 6 am, 5 days straight. But it's okay, I probably don't like you anyways. So stop eyeballing.
(14) Don't waste your money on the gym, party hop instead. What's your record in one night?
(15) Redbull vodka? Pfft, Neo-Citran and Limoncello.
(16) Why do girls bring their whole makeup collection to clubs and spend the whole night primping themselves in the washroom?


tobias funke, raphael saadiq, bill murray, antoni gaudi, jennifer coolidge, wes anderson