Da Qoutes ♥ profile picture

Da Qoutes ♥


About Me

hey sorry i just made this...:]1: ♥" boyz are never satisfied wit wat they have, they need more"♥
♥"We rock together, pimps forever"♥
♥"you always want what you cant have"♥
♥"Your heart is like a puzzle, When it breaks you have to put it back together. And...then realized that the person who broke it, you were never meant to be with ♥"♥"the pain thats hurting me inside, is soon gonna be the pain thats hurting your face. ♥"♥"take a risk take a fall take a chance ♥"
♥"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart, i was looking at your friend ;) ♥"
♥"~*We laugh. ~*We cry. ~*We love. ~*We're the girls youu wish youu were. ~*(initails here)// Love you chicas ♥"
♥"Me AnD mY gUrLz wE ArE tHe oNe AnD OnLy i KnOw U HaTe Us BeCaUsE u AiN't Us CaUse WeRe ThE gUrLz tHaT yOuR mAn WaNts And EvEry1 wAnTs 2 Be In My CrEw BuT iF yOur Not HOt ThEn It's OVeR Me AnD mY gUrLz Are GoiNg 2 bE aLwAyS tOgEtHeR ♥"♥"if gossip was beer, our whole school would be... WASTED ♥"♥"have u ever love someone and know they didn't care did you ever feel like crying but knew you'd get nowhere did you ever close your eyes and say a little prayer did you ever look into his heart and wish that you were there? i have. ?♥"*A gUy OuT tHeRe WaS mEaNt To Be ThE LoVe Of YoUr LiFe, YoUr BeSt FrIeNd, YoUr SoUl MaTe. ThE oNe YoU cAn TeLl YoUr DrEaMs To. WhEnEvEr He sMiLeS aT yOu, He'Ll BrUsH tHe HaIr FrOm YoUr EyEs. He'Ll SeNd YoU fLoWeRs WhEn YoU lEaSt ExPeCt It. He'Ll StArE aT yOu DuRiNg ThE mOvIe, EvEn ThOuGh He PaId $6 To SeE iT. YoU'lL PuT hIs PiCtUrE bEsIdE yOuR bEd. He'Ll CaLl JuSt To SaY gOoDnIgHt Or JuSt BeCaUsE hE's ThInKiNg Of YoU. He'Ll LoOk YoU iN tHe EyEs AnD tElL yOu, YoU'rE tHe MoSt BeAuTiFuL gIrL iN tHe WoRlD, AnD fOr ThE vErY FiRsT TiMe, YoU'lL BeLiEvE iT.*♥"People always think if they go out with someone ugly that everyone will laugh and make fun but what they dont know is to you he is drop dead sexii and treats you like gold so never go by what people think go by you heart.......♥"Boii. You make my heart beat fast. i just want for all of this to last.♥"would really want to be with you ...but i would rather be loved as your best friend then be hated...as your ex.♥"they say true love is in every corner I must be walking in circles [o]♥"please,,,love me like you love her ?♥"so im in love... sue me ? ♥"

My Interests

uhhh making kool stuff for myspace

I'd like to meet:

new friends


good kinds


good movies


kool shows


uhhh the hitchhiker

