this site is for the sole purpose to showcase my photography. i am not interested in hooking up with anyone or getting a girlfriend. i thank you ahead of time for taking the time to look at my photos.
i am a firm believer in meditation, or at least sitting in quiet not talking with your eyes closed. It is an essential key to creativity, and not just in the artistic sense. It is important in creative problem solving and coming up with creative ideas. It allows your mind to get rid of all the 'noise' of everyday life and let your mind wonder on pure creativity. It is a great tool of focusing.
photographie: the ability to see a person in a still frame, a moment in their life frozen forever. the mind cannot comprehend what a photograph can. we see people in continues frames. photographie allows you to capture a part of someone in one moment of time. there is also a wonderful interaction between a subject that is so intimate. it is just you and the subject. nothing else matters.
photographie is a distorted form of the photographer's reality.
my camera is a mirror.