Ham Radio
Fire and EMS
Pirate Radio
Audio Production
Snuggling With My Cuddlebug
NASCAR + Dirt Track Racing
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney
Don Rumsfeld
Vladimir Putin
and the rest of dumbasses that make up The New World Order.
Almost forgot: Rupert Murdoch (the new owner of MySpace)and the Google dinks that are helping cover up 9-11 by trying to snuff out the truth about 9-11
Wanna give 'em all a slick kick to the gnads,
ala Beavis and Butthead.
If Only I Was Half As Eloquent As Olberman
I'm a huge Navar fan. Beatles and Stones, duh! Very ecclectic tastes. New country sucks!! Love classic rock and punk to old country to metal to modern rock to classical. Opera and new country are the only no-no's in my MP3 player.
I'm also a big supporter of our local music scene and have started a group thru the old WKPQ called SLAM! (Supporting Local Artists And Musicians)It's my belief that people with NO artistic talents should SUPPORT THOSE that do.
Pasion of the Christ
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Up In Smoke
The Beatles "Help"
My Latest Viewing Patterns:
Re-runs of Emergency!
(Rescue 51 Gage/DeSoto)
Hardball - MSNBC
Countdown With Keith Olberman - MSNBC
VH1 Classic
Law and Order CI/SVU
The New Law and Order - Real Cases on MSNBC
Really dig books by musicians. Just finished the new Bob Dylan Autobiography. Also 2 books by Lynn Barry called "BJOYFL" and Puddles. All time favs are every book ever put out by Jimmy Buffett, especially A Salty Piece Of Land. Dennis Millers "Rants" also rule! The Bible - Psalms have gotten me thru EVERY rotten thing in my life. "Unseen Archives of The Rolling Stones" is a neat coffee table book with a few good, but mostly cheesy photos of the greatest rock and roll band ever.
If You Can Find It, Check Out Graham Nash's Series "Off The Record".
My Dad and Mom - For adopting the bastard child of a full blooded Native woman and a worthless grease ball Ginzo. Also, for entering their last stages gracefully and with dignity! Alzheimers SUXX!
The Late "Unkle Rog" (R.I.P.) at WCMF in Rochester - My radio mentor.
My Wife Shelly Rae - for showing superhuman strength over adversity! Just what she has gone thru with me would break an average humanoid. I wish I was half as brave as she is! (even tho she would deny this). And she's STILL HERE!!
Anyone willing to stand up and demand the freedoms that the constitution supposedly garentees us. (This is the best..no..ONLY way to truly thank those that gave their lives for us)
My nephew Tom: he didn't just come out of the closet..He kicked the door open! I love you dude. Do I call you my niece now? hehehe
Pat of Navar - For dropping everything, heading to Manhattan, and knocking down doors, walls, and anything that could get in his way!!!