Music,... good music will instantly elicit an emotional response... be it make ya wanna fight(thunder and lightning),play air guitar(anything by joe satch), sad(like i'd give that one up to ANYONE! duh!), drive faster and take chances(hollywood-thin lizzy), or just sit and bask in the fact you are alive (u2 beautiful day)... so here is a bit of my all time faves...
So , after all that, who would I like to meet? My Dads Father, and a couple of his brothers,Fay Wray, Merian C. Cooper,Bruce Cabot, Robert Armstrong, Ruth Rose, John Candy, Phillip Lynott, Jack Kirby,Boris Karloff,Bela Lugosi,Tor Johnson,Edgar Allan Poe,Edgar Rice Burroughs,Nicola Tesla,James Ronald Ruel Tolkien, William Butler Yeats, Ray Bolger,Elvis,the nameless ones, Milton,... the list goes on and on. But too late for all of them...too late for me to meet anyone off the list. All are ashes or dust by now. If you recognized more than 5 off this list, a big gold star!!!---- c'mon... at least 4 are complete freebies (if you've been awake and American for very long)....
METALHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and HARD rock, and a lil bit of Bobby D as well as an occasional Gary Moore Blues night. Rap, Disco and country all suck. And thats a fact.
Horror,Sci-Fi,Fantasy,Comedy.King Kong (obviously) is the best movie in the history of the world. If you disagree.... sorry, but you are wrong!And now you have been chastised properly! All Elm Street, Friday the 13th,Chucky,hellraiser,bond and Halloween movies... except for Season of the witch. That Friggin song is stuck in my head for ever... "2 more days till halloween, halloween, halloween, silver shamrock"... damn! Near Dark,Interview with, John Carpenter's Vampires,Subspecies,Pumpkinhead,Alien and Aliens,Dusk till dawn(cheech!) Bordello of Blood (Dennis Miller!),--- any half way good or 3/4 bad Vampire flick. Troma flicks rock! 1000 corpses & rejects,Army of Darkness,E.D. 1 &2,20 million miles to earth( YMIR!), The Thing (both),escape from NY (not L.A.), almost anything by John Carpenter, Deep Star 6,Star Wars,L.O.T.R-all,Excalibur, the crow, Most Superhero movies except the Hulk,John Wayne was/is the epitome of all action heroes even if most his movies were a bit hokey (except Big Jake... that was his best!) Scarface,Sin City,Them, They Live,Big trouble in little china, Ginger Snaps- all of them rock-, Underworld Evoloution was friggin grand!,Boondock Saints was wicked well done, especially for a pseudo religious Punisher homage! you get the idea. All testosterone driven, escapist movies. Chick flicks are for women's nite out or gay guys. They may only be endured as pennance or in the presence of the Matriarch.
TV generally sucks..... I'd much rather do than watch. Or watch a well made movie. But The Shield rocks!!! And I love good comedy, but most comedians merely amuse me... only Dennis Miller and my own private thoughts make me gigggle like a mugger trucker... Spike, Sci-fi usually have something entertaining (such as Dresden files and CSI), history channel and animal planet are also cool.Anything about Elephants. I love Elephants.
I actually read comics. Yup. Big baby I am... but, I enjoy the escapism and the simplicity of good vs. evil, even if the line is kinda vague at times. Real books include anything and everything by Clive Barker,Edgar Rice Bourroughs,Michael Moorecock,Poppy Z,Tolkien and Fritz Leiber. Also am addicted to anthologies, especially regarding wierd stuff like UFOs,Unsolved Mysteries and Cryptozoology. Big book of... is THE BEST compilation series EVER. Vampires, Werewolves... intrigue me. The whole fighting the inner conflict thing ya know?? And Roman Catholic Saints. The tales of devotion, even towards martyrdom are always inspiring.
Gimme a minute... lemme think for a year or two...