Languages, music - playing (Guitar, Piano), and listening : ), art - anything: painting (especially spraypainging) - mostly clothes, making stuff, going to shows, walking around mindlessly, climbing trees; travelling - anywhere; environmental policy, international culture (especially food) : )
Anyone cool ; ) Crazy artistic environmental scientists : ), nerds, and wierdoes
Fair To Midland, System of a Down, the Beatles, Greenday, Nine Inch Nails, Aperfect Circle, SPLIN, AUKTSION - Russian
yELLOW sUBMARINE, chocolat, fightclub, 6 degrees of separation, American Beauty and Ghost World, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter: ), Croucing Tiger Hidden Dragon...
Drawn together, Shorties watching shorties, Southpark (especially timmy), The Daily Show, every so often - the history channel
Borhes "The Book of Imaginary Creatures", Chronicles of Narnia, The Tales of Old Japan, The Alchemist