betr. Cho Seung-Hui |
habe mich hier ja echt lange nicht mehr zu Wort gemeldet. Aber nun, aus Anlass des grausamen Massakers an der Virginia Tech durch Cho Seung-Hui wurde ich gebeten, dazu auch mal was zu schreiben, also ... Posted by Magnus on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:18:00 PST |
Bloggen war lange Zeit nicht drin... |
...woran es lag, weiss ich auch nicht. Jedenfalls war hier lange lange Zeit kein Bloggen möglich. Und nun? Beschränke ich mich zu Testzwecken darauf, Dich (ja, auch DICH, die oder der Du dies hier ger... Posted by Magnus on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:51:00 PST |
Yeah! Success! MySpace & Google!!! |
What do you think about " $900m Deal! google & myspace! "? Please, write a comment if u r blogging concerning it, too!Schreibe bitte einen Kommenta... Posted by Magnus on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 05:03:00 PST |
MySpace fixed? |
What's up now?You want to add me, but u can't?Oh, don't worry. Be patient! Patience is necessary!MySpace will fix it all... I'm sure.More important: I've now an overview of interesting articles conce... Posted by Magnus on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 03:33:00 PST |
War on Lebanon? |
What's your opinion? What happens there? Israel against Lebanon? Israel against Hizbollah? What's up? No peace? Never peace? Always war? Posted by Magnus on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 06:40:00 PST |
Italy: Campioni del Mondo! |
Congratulations, Italy!Lippi: qui ricomincia calcio Italia. "I giocatori di questa Nazionale non avevano nulla da farsi perdonare. Ma il calcio italiano da qui puo' ricominciare". Cosi' Lippi.Il ct ha... Posted by Magnus on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 06:34:00 PST |
Germany vs. Portugal 3-1! |
Victory!Germany against Portugal 3-1!I'm so glad! -add it to your blogroll, please! Let's stay in touch after the 9. 7. 2006!... Posted by Magnus on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 08:41:00 PST |
Allez les Bleus!? Non plus "allez les Vieux"! (; |
La France a gagné 1:0 contre le Brézil. Je suis heureux.S'il te plaît, ajoute un lien à! Pour l'amitié!Pour la paix.Pour la tolérance.Contre le racisme.Merci Beaucoup!Je me so... Posted by Magnus on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 05:21:00 PST |
Germany vs. Argentina 5 - 3 !!!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Lehmann saves put Germany in semis! | -add it to your blogroll, please!German goalkeeper No.1 , Jens Lehmann (Arsenal London) saved two penalties in the shootout as the host nation reached the FIFA Socc... Posted by Magnus on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 03:13:00 PST |
Ukraine against Switzerland 3:0! Congratulations!!! |
I like the Ukraine and especially my friends from Ukraine. I say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Please, let's help each other!!!!!Privet!!!Dobroe utro!Kak dela?Dobro pojalovati!Dobavi menia pojaluista v svoi l... Posted by Magnus on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:42:00 PST |