Triathlons, Softball, reading a great book, seeing a great movie, riding my road bike, baseball, great conversation, new wine's I've never tasted, hosting parties, helping people achieve their greatest goals, singing, jiu jitsu, traveling, wakeboarding (i live for that), taking friends to my lake house in TN.
Other triathletes, athletes and the like that do what they love.The person who prays this prayer:dear 8 pound 6 oz. newborn infant jesus. don't even know a word yet. just a little infant, also cuddly, but still omnipotant, we just wanted to thank you for all the races i've won, and a 21.2 million dollars. WOO, love that money, that i've acrewed over this past season. Also due to the abinding adorsement contract that stipulates that i mention powerade at each grace. I just want to say that powerade is delicious, and it cools you off on a hot summer day, and we look forward to powerades release of mystic mountain blueberry. Thank you, for all your power and your grace, dear baby god. Amen
I listen to anything and everything from hawaiian, rap, alternative rock, jazz, hip/hop. It's a mood thing!!
Anchorman, Stuck on You, Usual Suspects, Swimming with Sharks, Bedazzled, Office Space, Swingers, Napoleon Dynamite, The Incredibles, Million Dollar Baby, We were Soldiers, Crash, The Three Amigo's, Spies Like Us, City of God, Layer Cake, Kung Fu Hustle. So many to name. The short list would be movies I don't like. Most recently, The Aristocrats!!! See it...Wow is it funny...not for the light hearted!
Not reality! Ali G (Respek), Seinfeld, CSI, NIP/TUCK (the best show on TV), Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal and 24.
Ultramarathon Man (wow, what a story, buy it)! Human Zoo, Secrets of a Millionaire's Mind.
People who overcome life's greatest challenges and never quit. My mother! My little brother!