Aber-Sean B and Fitch profile picture

Aber-Sean B and Fitch

Life is a cookie!

About Me

I've never been afraid to take a chance. I don't feel I'm living my life without taking risks. With each great risk comes great rewards!..I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Triathlons, Softball, reading a great book, seeing a great movie, riding my road bike, baseball, great conversation, new wine's I've never tasted, hosting parties, helping people achieve their greatest goals, singing, jiu jitsu, traveling, wakeboarding (i live for that), taking friends to my lake house in TN.

I'd like to meet:

Other triathletes, athletes and the like that do what they love.The person who prays this prayer:dear 8 pound 6 oz. newborn infant jesus. don't even know a word yet. just a little infant, also cuddly, but still omnipotant, we just wanted to thank you for all the races i've won, and a 21.2 million dollars. WOO, love that money, that i've acrewed over this past season. Also due to the abinding adorsement contract that stipulates that i mention powerade at each grace. I just want to say that powerade is delicious, and it cools you off on a hot summer day, and we look forward to powerades release of mystic mountain blueberry. Thank you, for all your power and your grace, dear baby god. Amen


I listen to anything and everything from hawaiian, rap, alternative rock, jazz, hip/hop. It's a mood thing!!


Anchorman, Stuck on You, Usual Suspects, Swimming with Sharks, Bedazzled, Office Space, Swingers, Napoleon Dynamite, The Incredibles, Million Dollar Baby, We were Soldiers, Crash, The Three Amigo's, Spies Like Us, City of God, Layer Cake, Kung Fu Hustle. So many to name. The short list would be movies I don't like. Most recently, The Aristocrats!!! See it...Wow is it funny...not for the light hearted!


Not reality! Ali G (Respek), Seinfeld, CSI, NIP/TUCK (the best show on TV), Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Boston Legal and 24.


Ultramarathon Man (wow, what a story, buy it)! Human Zoo, Secrets of a Millionaire's Mind.


People who overcome life's greatest challenges and never quit. My mother! My little brother!

My Blog

Our Purpose

We all go through life and wonder sometimes about our purpose. In my life I've come to realize that there had to be some sort of greater purpose to a lot of the shananigans that I've pulled throughout...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:19:00 PST

Whoa....shout out!

Life throws a curve ball from time to time. What to do often enters my mind as good ole Frank Sinatra croons the life of a bottle of scotch. Often the most impressive people to me are the self made, s...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 02:16:00 PST

Accident / Miracle

Well everyone I'm writing a quick blurb, why? Because I've cheated death and I'm living the first day of the rest of my life. I was recently in a terrible car accident where i FLIPPED my SUV across 6 ...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:47:00 PST

Unconditional love..it is true and I've just been proven that it exists!

So I hear this story about a very successful business man who has mentored others in his profession and has influenced so many others to succeed. This is a very true story and it's opened up my eyes....
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

When? Where? How? Why?

We can all sit back and wonder about this topic but when asked a simple question, these three words can get the answers you need. The topic, soul mates. My thoughts? Well I was thinking about this ex...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I must be dreaming!

There are certain women in my life that really put things into perspective. Have you ever met one of these women before? To be clear and concise, is it better to go younger or older? I lean both ways ...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My life has changed!

Well, this year hasn't gone quite like I would have liked it to go. Personally it's been a huge battle for myself and my family. Something so strong, so deep and so compelling happend on xmas day. My ...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What have you learned?

So how has my life changed from all of this? What have I learned about myself? I've learned that I need people in my life as much as they need me. I've learned that sometimes all it takes is a hug, no...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Live and Learn

I live my life to learn and have learned so much from livin!!! That's the moto of our generation. This great world allows us to accomplish anything that we put our minds too. Is this a true statem...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What to do now? (Clear Mind)

Hell, if we had the answer to that one, we would all be happy. I guess what's coming about now is the realization that I am not the type of person who will be sitting behind a desk for 40 hrs a week. ...
Posted by The Flyin Hawaiian on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST