Reva Miss Pissâ„¢ Gyaruuu [GMD] profile picture

Reva Miss Pissâ„¢ Gyaruuu [GMD]

death :)

About Me

So this is me. [and my boy]

Imma Geek
But Imma Loved Geek ♥

My Interests

+ if you actually read my profile, i'll treat you good.
+ if you treat me good, i'll treat you better.
+ i am a soft little barstool if you're good to me. my closer friends know there are a few things i cannot sleep without :}
+ i 'awwwhhh' at cute things. animals. babies. whatever. you name it. things i find cute make me well happy :}

+ i'm honest, sometimes too honest. people dislike this about me. they are the idiots.
+ i don't eat healthily. but fuck it, you live once right? Besides, size zero is for strange obsessive women. EAT JUNK !! More fun than 2 sticks of celery a day surely?

+ i'm creative with things. i like to make things my own. and i HATE it if someone uses my ideas. so just DON'T do it ;]
+ i'm defensive of friends. sometimes i act irrationally when i'm annoyed....
+ i am a MEGA pessimist. soso pedantic.
+ if i was a guy, i'd wanna dress like a gal. i think that if people can pull it off, and look good, do it....
+ but we all know that guys do look good in make-up. fact of life, and all that.
+ i have an OCD with the number 6, with belts, with Solitaire, and with bacteria.
+ I have Entomophobia, Automysophobia, Misophobia, Gerontophobia, and a phobia of having blood drawn.
+ I quite possibly have Automatonophobia, Catagelophobia, and Glossophobia.
+ i love animals. i'm apparently a partial vegetarian. i love cats and hamsters annnnd snakes. but i love my sealife especially.
+ i swear a lot. i try not to. but shit happens yeah?
+ i used to take drugs and self harm. i've stopped both now...
+ although sometimes it's hard not to. i suffer from depression from time to time. and no it's not because i want your attention. in most cases, when i'm upset, i want LESS attention. apart from the attention of those who really matter, so i can try to sort out the problem.
+ one honest dream? i'd like to be in a horror film. i love gore. i love blood. i love guts. i think i look better dead. why not embrace the fact.
+ not much of a drinker. i do it when i feel like it, much like with everything i do. i do it as i see fit, whatever will improve my mood.
+ i love money. i'm addicted to shopping. i just like to make myself happy.
+ dancing is good for me. s'one of the only bits of exercise i get. and i love it.
+ don't assume i care about what you think about me. don't give me those looks. put those nasty thoughts of me behind you, and get over it, give me a smile, and a 'how are you'... unless of course you irritate the liiving daylight outta me. oh dear.... you'll know if you're THAT kind of person. i'll let you know ;]
+ i've always been the smart kid, since i was little. i had a special needs teacher because i was smarter than the other kids. i was always the outcast; the weird, long-haired, blonde kid.
+ i hate it if you can't spell. people who can't spell PSYCHO especially. it's P-S-Y-C-H-O. not physco. idiots.
+ i get tired a lot. i like to lie around and be lazy a lot. but when i have the energy, you should jump up and dance with me. fit with my moods. it'd make things so much easier for us all.
+ i have a confidence problem. i lack self confidence, but i think it's slowly working its way back.
+ i am too stubborn. if i know that i'm right, i won't back down.
+ i tend to trust people really easy. i'm usually an open book.
+ i don't follow religion. i just don't believe it. but thats a personal choice.
+ i can get quite jealous. don't give me reason to. i'll probably want to rip your head off. i'm sure that whoever you are, you don't want that.
+ don't ask for a picture comment and expect one back. you'll get one back unless i'm feeling lazy, or if you're an ugly cunt. soz.
+ if you notice that we don't have ANYTHING in common and don't get along.... GET BENT AND STOP READING MY PROFILE MYESSS.
+ if i care about you, i'll shower you with love. and occasionally presents. i'm just a soft bugger.
+ a surprising amount of friends probably don't know all that much about me, but we get along. i have the few people close to me like i need, but i'm always glad to get to know someone. so go for it. tell me about yourself. ask me about myself. work a little.
+ i care about things for all the right reasons. NOT so i can fit in. NOT because i notice how cool everyone else thinks something is. i couldnt give 2 shits. i am me and if people don't accept it, they too can GET BENNTTTTT [what a phrase].
+ i say 'lol' or 'lolololol' or 'rofl' and the like in real life. and you know what? I DO IT ON PURPOSE. it's become a habit now. works nicely. yesssss.
+ i like semicolons. i think they're pretty; i'm also a bit infatuated with extra small arial font. yummyyyy.
+ i hate hate hate when people post a bulletin like 'OMG EVERYONE TALK TO ME LOLOLOL YEAH I'M WELL FITTTT'. cuz [1.] how up your own ass are you? [2.] maybe people don't wanna talk to you? [3.] start your own conversation maybe? gawwwwd.
+ when i'm upset over something important, i find it rather hard to breathe, like a panic attack rly. don't get me upset, yes?
+ i've been playing nintendo since i was 5. super nintendo entertainment system. and the sega master system. i know my stuff. don't talk to me as if i'm gonna pick up a controller and immediately not be able to play, as if i have no clue. i'm not the best. i know i ain't. but i try. and i enjoy gaming. especially old, lower res. games with my mum.
+ i have deviantart. RevaMissP1ss. come find me :)
+ I'll help you find the compass if you do strange things to my dog, his name is Tim.

Crush this person!

I'm Really Happy, especially now that I'm back in a relationship, because long term is what I want right now, and Ped is an amazing person for the job, so to speak. No matter how poor the quality of the picture, how silly we look because he blinked at the flash, he's still gorgeous to me. He's there for me. He makes me smile, and laugh, and I enjoy his company :) He treats me so well, and pays attention to me, he treats me so special, and makes me feel good. He has the most beautiful little smile, it's adorable. I'm glad that he's mine :D

I like it when he plays my bass
I like it when I wear his jumper :) :)

I'd Do Anything
To Keep Things Perfect
So Let's Get One Thing Straight - Don't Make Me Feel Threatened And I Won't Be Ready To Snap Your Neck, OK?

"Get Me Out Of My Mind;
Get You Out Of Those Clothes."

Life Is Better. I'm Enjoying Things A Little More. But I Don't Want To Grow Up, I Hate To Work, I Hate To Have To Make An Impression On People, Only To Have The Efforts Thrown Away When People Mistreat Me. I Need People To Take Me By The Hand And Guide Me Because I Hate To Do Things On My Own, I Don't Like Leading The Way. So, Take Me Somewhere Nice Please.

Moshi Moshi, I Wanna Go !! Honduras, Antigua and Barbuda, Kenya, Egypt, Finland, Malta, Bulgaria, China, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, America !! If I ever get the chance to go, you bet I'll be taking my camera with me.

Arrrg why does it cost so much to go diving with sharks?
Ok so that's a little dream of mine, I Love the ocean and the creatures in it. There's something about the ocean that seems so personal to me, it's quite strange. But I would love to be able to be face to face with such a beautiful creature as a shark. Not that I don't adore all kinds of animals. But not bugs. NO.

"Come On Kids, Don't Be Scared. It's A Tits And Ass World, You Gotta Be Prepared."

I'd like to meet:

Hi Reva, you and Ped are well fit. Let's hang out and eat maltesers...AND MOTHERTRUCKIN TWIRLS !!.... sometime?


I'm The Biggest MSI Fan. I Love Every Song. I want To Go See Them, More Than You'll Ever Know. When I Do, It'll Be One Of The Best Days Of My Life.

Some Lyrics From Beck. 'Loser'. Amazing song. Enjoy. ♥

In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey
Butane in my veins and Im out to cut the junkie
With the plastic eyeballs, spray-paint the vegetables
Dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose
Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
Stock car flamin with a loser and the cruise control
Babys in reno with the vitamin d
Got a couple of couches, sleep on the love-seat
Someone came in sayin Im insane to complain
About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
Dont believe everything that you breathe
You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve
So shave your face with some mace in the dark
Savin all your food stamps and burnin down the trailer park
Yo. cut it.

Soy un perdedor
Im a loser baby, so why dont you kill me?
Soy un perdedor
Im a loser baby, so why dont you kill me?

Forces of evil on a bozo nightmare
Ban all the music with a phony gas chamber
cuz ones got a weasel and the others got a flag
Ones on the pole, shove the other in a bag
With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose-job
The daytime crap of the folksinger slob
He hung himself with a guitar string
A slab of turkey-neck and its hangin from a pigeon wing
You cant write if you cant relate
Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
And my time is a piece of wax fallin on a termite
Thats chokin on the splinters.....



csi miami, csi vegas, house, programmes about sharks, made, wonder showzen, pimp my ride US, skins, the hardy boyz wrestling :}, pokemon, _________'s next top model.


i do read.


My Heroes;
My Mum, Hazel Ann Hodkinson - she's been through a lot and still going.
James Euesden - more like a brother to me than my half brothers, including the whole fighting and pushing off the couch bit haha ^_^
Emily Robinson - she's amazing, she's quite optimistic, we've been through a lot + we're still going :D
Pippatha Pippylala Pumpkin Pill - my brain twin. Definately not my body double, she's skinnier, bitch ;] lol I love her to bits I do I do
Rosie Nally - i absolutely love this girl to bits. known her since september and we've just become such good friends. if you saw us together you'd be like 'WTF' because we look such an odd couple. double trouble fo sho !!!
Pedwo Baby :) - he has been a complete star since we've started speaking proper. he's listened to what i have to say, and taken my feelings into account. i love talking to him for hours, especially about music. i love the recording on my snapvine of him singing our song. he makes me all nervous and shy and girly ! he pinches me and i lick him :) he's fucking phenomenal.
Boothyson - he is a fucking saint. he's helped me through a lot. and he's helped me try to understand things a bit more, and kept me positive. BEEF ! love ya hah.
[Reva Miss Pissâ„¢]says:
i need cold food
[Reva Miss Pissâ„¢] says:
and a distraction
-.†..Boothy..†.- says:
-.†..Boothy..†.- says:
-.†..Boothy..†.- says:
and ill flash my breasts
Emily McDonnell (H) - haven't known her for the greatest amount of time, but i really value her friendship, and i like our in-depth conversations about anything ://
Eddie/Lauren - I've known her since September 06 and since then we've got closer and closer. I'm spending more time with her now and I really appreciate it. We just get along, make each other giggle, and just wanna have fun.
Kristina Galasso - she's been through a lot, at a young age, she's been there, and i've been there for her. she's my angel, i swear. she's magic.
Cousin Bex - Who could ask for a better cousin. Seriously. Nuff said.
Jimmehson - He said "your like a mother figure really. theres something about your personality that inspires me." I fucking love my son i do. He is amazing and always tries so hard at everything. He deserves so much that he is working hard towards.
Jess Buckle - she shouldn't have to go through what she does, but yes she does and she does it in style. + her phonecall when she was at Muse when plug in baby was on shall not be forgotten.
Luie - she's just so inspiring, and a girl with morals. she has the ability to make me smile, i got her wanting chili doritos. hurrah !
James Euringer aka Little Jimmy Urine
Gok Wan
Hugh Laurie
Johnny Depp
Angelina Jolie - "When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire."
Tyra Banks
David Caruso
William Petersen
Christina Aguilera
The Late Steve Irwin
Corey Taylor
Rob Zombie
Tobin Bell
Brody Dalle
Jamie Lenman
Jeffree Starr - so so wise ! "Just for the record, DO WHATEVER THE FUCK you want because you only live once and if I die tomorrow, I wanna die HAPPY. I don't wanna WISH I did something... I DO it every day. I'm ME and no one is gonna tell me I shouldn't do this or that.. & this goes for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're family or friends dont truely understand you. YOU have to be happy. Because who else matters in the end? And that's all I have to say.."
Pete Wentz
Matthew Bellamy
Ville Valo
Brandom 'Bam' Margera
Joanie Laurer
Jeffrey Nero Hardy
Amy Dumas
Marilyn Manson
Alan Rickman
Tim Curry
The Late 'Dimebag' Darrell
Devin Townsend
Katie Jane Garside
Adam Ant
Boy George
Chad Ginsburg
Burton C. Bell

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Reva Miss Piss" Gyaruuu [GMD] on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:06:00 PST


ok i've been looking for a clip of this for ages the show used to be on while i was growing upfunhouse the kids gameshow, where pretty much everything was either red or was one of the best s...
Posted by Reva Miss Piss" Gyaruuu [GMD] on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 04:15:00 PST

jamesyfool and revamissfaggot PT.2 feat. EMILY-LARGE-CAT

DEM JAMESY AND THERE ARE ME. [Reva Miss Piss"] Buz O))) ;just to spit it in your face. GIR. says:*sieg heil taxi stop rave*[Reva Miss Piss"] Buz O))) ;just to spit it in your face. GIR. says:HALORSNa...
Posted by Reva Miss Piss" Gyaruuu [GMD] on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST

jamesyfool and revamissfaggot

[Reva Miss Piss"]    [S!]      Synthetik//   & nbsp; to see you when i wake up is a gift says:awww       &...
Posted by Reva Miss Piss" Gyaruuu [GMD] on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:50:00 PST