-=Nello=- profile picture


Where will YOU spend Eternity? John 3:16

About Me

Jesus Christ is my Creator, my Father, my Friend and my Lord
He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
Psalm 40:2 NLT
Jesus protected me.... Jesus Preserved me....
He reached down, lifted me up and saved me from certain death...
No matter how many times I let Him down, He lifted me up again and again..
Jesus knew, Through it all, I never lost faith in Him and He never lost faith in me through the many years of a living hell on earth that I put myself through while I was a drugged out, drunken, lying, cursing, cheating, thief and perverted heathen, destroying my mind, body, spirit and soul all the while. I should've died many, many times already and by what I have put myself through, I should not be here. I should be dead, at least brain dead.. My organs should've stopped functioning a long time ago, yet they remain in perfect working order that defies human logic and physics.
Thank You Father for never leaving me or forsaking me, as Your word tells me, and continually shows it's truth to me, over and over again.
Because I am a living, breathing miracle but by His Love and Holy grace. I am His bondservant, and I will serve Him as best I humanly can for all the days of my life and forever in His presence.
I know that I survived through it all, and I live on, but by the saving belief and knowledge of the one true Almighty God that created all things, lives and reigns forever, by God the Father's eternal, unconditional Love, by the justifying, precious saving blood of Jesus, His Son.. that was shed on calvary's cross, and by the grace, the unmerited favor of the Holy Spirit.
Thank You Lord Jesus, that I am set apart.. That I am sanctified.
Thank You Lord, that I am forgiven for my sins by Your blood
Thank you Father that today I can walk in your Grace
That today I can walk in the Spirit
When you've come as close to death as I have, and so many times, it changes your life forever. I realize that I deserve nothing but death, Hell, eternal torment and separation from God without end in utter darkness for what I have done against Him. I have come very close to death's door many times. I know these times were Him calling out to me, intervening in my life and saving it. At times I was within minutes, and at least once within a minute of crossing over to meet God face to face. So, I take every minute here as a gift from God with total gratitude to Him for each one.
It changes your life when this happens to you and I realize very much how fragile life is, and how quickly and easily life can be taken from us in the next heartbeat or breath. I am a living miracle and I do not take a single breath or heartbeat here for granted.
Because of what I have been through, I like to say, and love to sing the song, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back!!
I will be putting a short version of my testimony in the blog section someday soon. After some editing for security purposes. Names and places will be changed to protect the innocent, (Me). Lest some who want me dead come after me again and try to kill me one more time. And I can't take another kidnapping again. I may not get away next time.
But I am not ashamed of the gospel of my Father Jesus Christ. I am prepared to die for my faith if need be, and no one, nor anything will ever make me change my mindset on being a right-wing conservative Republican, or on my spiritual beliefs and values concerning my Christian faith.
I am proud of who I am, and of what I am today. I will always stand up for what I believe without fear, and I will stand behind the leader of the free world, George W. Bush, the current sitting President of the greatest nation on earth,
The United States of America
(No, I'm not running for office)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Maybe you think, hey dude, there's many ways to get to heaven. Jesus is just one way, all religions are the same and as long as I'm a good person I'll get there. Oh really? Well, we can think whatever we want, but our opinions are just that, our opinions. And our best thinking or opinions don't get us into heaven.
"Yeah dude, how do you know that?"
Well, in the bible it says that Jesus is the only way to heaven. And Jesus the only religious leader to ever make the claim in the following scrolling banner.
You might be saying, dude, I don't believe in the bible.
Ok, you don't have to. God doesn't make us believe, that's what separates Christianity from Religion.. It's based on a Faith in Jesus as the Christ.. and God who came to earth as a man, to be the messiah, the redeemer of the world for their sins, it's not a man made religion. But a faith.
Let me share a story with you about a dear friend of mine
Pastor Mike Rozell of
Potters Field Ministries
Mike and I go back to 7th grade together and threw pottery together in ceramics class in high school and we partied a lot during those years. I was raised Roman Catholic, and although I lived to party, I sometimes went to church and was just starting to get to know the Lord through His word and church, but Mike wasn't raised with any faith or Religion and didn't believe in God, the bible, or Jesus. But 10 years later, what amazing things God did in Mike through a person who God used to touch his heart, and transform his life from an un-believer, to what he is today.. An ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and head Pastor of a Ministry that allows him to now travel the U.S.A. preaching the Gospel, inspiring many and leading souls to Christ.
A couple of my friend's pictures are in my "pics" section.
Mike & Pam Rozell - Potters Field Ministries.org
One day, before Mike came to Christ, he went to his 10 year high school class reunion. A guy we'll call Jim, one of Mike's classmates came up to him to say hi and talk with him.
The following conversation between Mike and Jim went something like this;
Jim: Mike Rozell, how ya doin' buddy?
Mike: I'm doin' ok, how you doin Jim?
Jim: Oh Mike, I'm doin' fantastic, you wouldn't believe it, I found Jesus, I read the bible now and my life is incredible with God in it! And I think God has a plan for your life too Mike.
Mike: Whoa babe, back down.. I don't believe in God, and I don't believe in the bible.
Jim: Mike, you don't believe in God, and that the bible is His infallible word, written by men but inspired by God?
Mike: No!
Jim: Wow Mike, you must've studied the bible a lot to come up with that opinion.
Mike: Well, I don't believe in the bible, I've never read the bible, I don't even own a bible.
Jim: Well Mike, isn't it stupid to say you have formed an opinion about something that you know absolutely nothing about?
Mike: Yes, that would be correct!
Jim: So mike, Are you stupid?
Mike: Yes, that would be correct!
I know it sounds funny, but that's pretty much the way the conversation went.
Needless to say, Mike went home from that reunion party feeling as stupid and as humiliated as a person could possibly feel.
Long story short, Mike cried out to God that night and God heard his cries.
Mike Rozell is a master potter, and now Pastor Mike Rozell, head of potters Field Ministries. Mike is married to pam, and together, Mike and Pam Rozell have one of the most unique ministries around today combinding a demonstration of Mike's pottery throwing ability while he ministers the word of God and shares some of his testimony from the potters wheel, while during the show, Pam, his wife, a very talented professional singer/writer sings some of her songs and also shares their testimony by Mike's side on stage.
It's an amazing show of what God's love can do to transform a person through His love, by one person who was willing to step up to Mike and say a few simple words, to bring a non-believing person into a relationship with God that has touched the lives of countless people around the world through a ministry that has brought many to Christ, and many children who needed help and God's love through World Vision, an international Christian organization that brings caring Christians that can help together with the unfortionate children around the world.
God is truly Amazing!
Perhaps your interested in the Christian faith and knowing God.
Are you wondering where your eternal soul might be going after this life?
Are you like me, and you don't want to go to a hell if there is such a place, and be tormented forever with the devil and his demons if they are real. But you want to go to a heaven and be with God if He and this place really do exist?
Maybe you know God's been tugging on your heart, you've been thinking of becoming a Christian, and your ready to take the first step to becoming one, in hope that it will change your life.
Do you want to feel free of the conviction you have for things you've done wrong, or the way you've been living your life and you want to do something to change and feel justified and forgiven?
If any of this is so, Please read on..
If your ready to be forgiven, set apart and set free of all your sins for all eternity,
And you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, but you want to know the Truth.. The one True God who lives, came to this world to show us that He really does exist. Who lived and walked the dirt of this world as Jesus, the Christ who lived the only perfect life that anyone has lived and who Gave His life for the redemption for our sins.
Lets get on to making the best decision you'll ever make in your life and for all eternity.
Imagine, Just believe in Jesus and follow His teachings, He promised that you will be forgiven for your sins and receive the free gift of salvation. The bible says that if we might just believe in Him and repent for our sins, we will have eternal life with Him in His everlasting glory.
Jesus died for the sins of all mankind because He is a loving God who loves us unconditionally.
Why not make that decision today?
You have nothing to lose but eternal life in heaven with Him.
Remember this, don't have Jesus?
It's hell without Him.
And, instead of going into paradise, here's what happens to you
Oh, and He promises a more abundant life here also, before living in eternal paradise.
He'll come into your heart and live in you, and He promises to never leave you or forsake you. Sounds to good to be true? Believe it, It's real, and it's the truth. It's a no brainer. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose except eternal life with God in heaven.
Why not just say the prayer today and ask God to forgive you.
Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you as I did and watch what happens. I promise you, He will do it, and it'll change your life forever.
Ready to accept Jesus as Lord of your life?
Pray this prayer to God:
If you just prayed that prayer, and meant it with all your heart, You are now a member of the kingdom of God, and have just begun your eternal life with God that will have no end.
That was the best and most important decision you will ever make in your life. And I am honored to be the first to welcome you into the family of God and as my new Christian brother or sister.
The bible says that when one sinner comes to repentance, all the angles rejoice!!
If you received salvation as a result of reading this message and want to comment me about it, or you just want to know more first, please request to add me or send me a message. I'll be glad to hear from you and read your comments or listen to any questions you may have about God and Jesus Christ.
You may be asking, ok, now that I'm a Christian, What do I do and where do you go from here?
First, I suggest that you find a good healthy, well balanced bible believing church, I attend services at Calvary chapel
Calvary chapel is a bible teaching ministry and teaches the Word of God line upon line, precept upon precept. And it's a great place meet other Christians that you can talk to and start learning about your new life as a Christian. Calvary chapels are around the world in many countries now and if your in the United States, most likely you'll find one near you. a church search page is at the Calvary chapel website. via the link above.
Next, get a bible if you don't already own one and start reading it. Pray before you open it and ask God to minister to your heart and speak to you through your reading.
Like all books, we start with opening it and we start at the beginning. And with the bible, that's fine if that's what you want to, or feel led to do. However, I like to tell new believers to start with the Gospels of Jesus Christ at the beginning of the New Testiment. I reccommend the Gospel of John, but that's up to God and you where you start. You'll learn about the teachings of Jesus and all about His ministry as He lived His life, His death and His resurrection.
I look forward to meeting you in heaven, if not here someday.
May the Lord bless you and keep you all the days of your life.
And again I say, Amen.
If your not ready to make that decision just yet, that's ok you don't have to, God is a gentleman. He doesn't force Himself on anyone.
But remember this,
No one is promised tomorrow. Don't wait until that day when it's too late.
The clock is ticking
Dear heavenly Father God, I thank You for allowing me the privilege and the opportunity to come before Your Almighty throne of grace and seat of mercy. Thank You Father for all that You have blessed me with, and all that Your Holy Spirit is doing through me for the advancement of Your kingdom.. and it is my prayer that this message may touch the heart and soul of at least one whom You may so graciously lead here by the power of Your Holy Spirit that needs salvation from You by the blood of Jesus, and by your Love. Or anyone that is back-slidden and needs lifting up.
May Your Holy Spirit and Your angels lead the Lost to this message and may You set them free from sin.
And Thank You Father for what you may do through this website.
In Jesus' Mighty, Holy & Blessed name I pray, Amen.
Love & Grace to you,
I love to listen to and sing Contemporary Christian praise & worship music. Especially that of of the band Third Day
My favorite song by them is "Love Song".
To me, it's like something that Jesus might sing to us if He sang a song to us sharing how much He loves us. I never tire of hearing and worshipping My Awesome God and Father when I listen to it and I love to sing it.
If you'd like to listen to the song, pause my main player at the top of this page playing "My Savior My God" and click the play button on the player below this to listen to it.
Listen to the song.. Watch the video and meditate on the words.. Then just ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. I promise you, He will. It's the least you can do and then watch what happens.
You'll never be the same.
Love Song Homeade Video
And remember,
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The day they took God out of schools

My Interests

I chose the Arron Shust song
My Savior My God
Because this is what My Savior and God is to me.
It makes me tearful when I sing it because it has so much meaning to me from what I have been through in life and where I am today.

John 14:2 NKJV
In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

(A Steffi Creation)
~Thanks Steff~
~I Love you my dear sister in Jesus and I thank God for you Princess Steffi, my Partner in the music ministry~

Thank you for all your hard work on the songs we've worked on for my first CD
Your bro in Christ

I am a prince, Royalty in the eyes of God.
A son of my Father Jesus the Christ,
The Messiah, Redeemer and Savior of the world
And the

Romans 8:15-17 NKJV
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Galatians 3:26
[ Sons of God ]
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus,

I enjoy,
Learning all I can about my heavenly Father through His Holy written word and how I can be a better son to Him, be a better brother to my brethren and sisteren, and be a better neighbor too all whom I know and those I'm yet to meet.

How I feel about

I'd like to meet:

#1) The Lord Jesus in the clouds a.s.a.p.

Then off to home for the rest of my eternal life and meet Father God and the Holy Spirit.. And see this wonderful, beautiful and awesome place that They have prepared for Their faithful children to live in for time without end.

Then after that, I have some questions for the next people I want to meet.

#2) Mother Eve, to ask her one question, What were you thinking? I mean really.. Believing in a talking snake that told you God your Creator was a liar? And, did you talk to and trust all the animals, or was it just one very ugly snake with fangs and horns on it's head? All I can say is, thanks ma, I hope the fruit was real good.. Look at us now!

#3) Father Adam, to ask him, did you want a divorce after that day? And did you ever trust your wife or talking animals after that day.

#4) The angels, To ask them, where were you guys when the snake was talking to Eve? Was it lunchtime for you too?

#5) Peter, to ask him how the fishing is in heaven, and doesn't it get old when everyday is a perfect day and you can catch as much as you want, with no limits?

#6) Noah, to shake hands with a man that has to be a master carpenter & boat builder. Being a carpenter myself I can appreciate another man's woodwork when it's done right.

That's it for now. I have more to add later as time allows.

Youz talkin to me?


I won't list all the bands and artists I like but there are many.

I will say this,
I like anything that doesn't make me ill or give me a headache.. I'll listen to anything from Ancient chants to Big Bands of the 1940's to 80's Alterative rock to the latest noise people are making today.

Contemporary Christian Praise and Worship is by far my favorite thing to listen to and I look forward to every day getting up to worship God and singing praises to my Creator in song and prayer. I love it and it's such a blessing being in training for the best part of my eternal life to come when I'm in His awesome presence forever doing just that!!

Wow, I can't even wait!!
Hallelujah & Amen!

What's going on in my life today. Well, being that music is a huge part of my life and always has been. I am so blessed for the privilege He has bestowed upon me to serve in the choir ministries at my church. It is truly an honor and a blessing to serve my Lord with the voice that He has blessed me with.

Here's a little story about what's going on in life today, and how God intervened in it to make things happen for where I may be headed.
I'm currently collaborating with James, a new friend of mine who goes by "Newlifejunkie" (in my friends list). James is a Christian worship singer and musician. God has brought us together in a way that could've only happened by the power of His Holy Spirit.
We're hoping to get some demo songs recorded someday soon as the Lord leads us and time allows. We pray that He will continue to open doors for us in this venture, and we believe it is His will. For I have no doubt that we met by a divine appointment and all things come together for those who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose..

How God brought us together

We were introduced by a mutual online acquaintance, Dave Malyon, aka (Street Preacher), a D.J. at * presencefm.com * an online Christian radio station.
James and I both listen to Dave's shows and talk with him.
Funny thing is, Dave lives in England and didn't know where James lived. All Dave knew was that James has a passion for worship music as do I. So Dave told James about me, that I had a desire to use my voice for the Lord with song in ministry and I was getting equipment together to build a recording studio in my house. James told Dave he was interested in talking with me about this and told him, give Nello my Yahoo ID.
So, Dave comes on Yahoo and tells me about this guy Newlifejunkie he met online and he's into worship music, etc. and he wants to talk with me.. I tell him, sure, give me his ID, I'll talk with him... I requested James to be added to my contact list and within a few days he came on the Yahoo & accepted my request... So we started talking.
Within a few minutes I asked where he lived. He named a street that's a minute away from me. "I said No way bro", He goes "yeah, where do you live?" I say, I live a minute off that street but about a mile away from you". He goes, "No Way bro!" I said, "Yeah way bro.". We found out we lived about 10 mins down the street from each other!!
We were freaked out and started laughing our heads off. God is so unreal! So, I said, call me!! And gave him my number.

Long story longer,
We were on the phone within a few minutes and the next night he was in my house with his guitar and we were singing worship songs together. Right away we felt a kindred spirit and we've been great friends ever since, just over a year now.
Amazing but true.

God knew we both share the same mind & heart for God, and for the faith, the same passions for song & ministry and we both feel a similar calling into the ministry. So we feel that with the incredible way we met, we were brought together through a faithful servant by God, and He has His hands all over this meeting and venture.
We've decided to meet and collaborate weekly and are looking forward to whatever the Lord has in store for us.

This is just one of the amazing things that God is doing in my life.. as I live to serve Him, He is opening doors in radical ways that could only happen by the grace of Almighty God.

I shot some video footage with my webcam that night we first got together at my house, the night after we met.

Here is a short video clip of what I shot that night of James, Newlifejunkie" singing a song he wrote called "You Bring Hope". This is a very rough un-edited clip of the first night at my house after we met in Yahoo IM.
See what God has brought together.

Cheers Dave and many thanks my brother for all you do for God, our Father Jesus.

I've got to show some love to my friend Ming who came by my house today to personally hand deliver to me his new CD "Summer Day" which is totally anointed and some of the best Christian P&W I have ever heard.
Check him out by the Banner below.

Some of my favorite


The Jesus film


The Passion of the Christ

The wizard of Oz

Forest Gump

Ace Ventura movies



Pirates of the Carribean

The Ten Commandments


A Man called Jesus

~so many more~

What's on TV ?¿


See my blog on The truth about Broadcast Television

But other than that, I love to reminisce about the stuff I grew up with When TV was TV!
Andy Griffith, Gilligan's Isle, The Beverly Hillbillies, Flipper, The Addams Family, Mr. Ed, Batman, The Brady Bunch, Carol Burnett show, Bewitched, F-Troop, The Monkees, Family Affair, Lost in space, My mother the car, The Munsters, Laugh-in, The Dean Martin roasts and His Variety show, Hee-Haw, American Bandstand, The wonderful world of Disney, Leave it to beaver, Little house, Star Trek, M*A*S*H, The Flintstones, Looney Tunes cartoons, Felix the cat and so much more.

I'm still a kid at heart and a part of me never grew up.

Those are the days when TV was entertainment as far as I'm concerned.

What do I read ?¿


The Bible
My manual for life

Counterfiet Revival
and all books by,
"The bible answerman"
Hank Hannigraff
The Christian research Institute
Hank is a man I respect & admire highly, have met & speak with on KKLA FM radio in So Cal when I have a question about the Word of God.

Everything by a very nice man who I recently had the pleasure of seeing speak and met, Joel Rosenberg

Too many books to list.

My Dictionary,
but that's not getting much use anymore thanks to the creation of spell-check.

My Thomas Bros. guide that keeps me from asking for directions when I get lost. LOL!

Who are my heros ?¿


My Father, Jesus Christ
(my only real hero)

But if I had to choose a few,
I'd guess I'd have to also say

My parents
For makin' me possible.
(may they rest in peace)

My Guardian Angel

The Apostle Paul

Noah, Master Carpenter

King David

Dr. Billy Grayham

Ronald Reagan

George W Bush

John Wayne


The Marx Bros.

The 3 Stooges


Myspace Tracker

My Blog

Out of state for a few days

My Dear Space friends,I mean, Dear My Space friends..I'll be out of state for a few days, would you be so kind as to feed my dogs and pick up the newspaper..? and if you have time, water the yard.. Th...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:52:00 PST

Thank you all for everything!!!

Shalom & blessings to you all in the name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ,I'm posting this blog for now as a way of letting you all know that I am home as of Monday 3/12 @ approx. 5:00pm. I'...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:50:00 PST

Surgery Date for me

I'm scheduled to be admitted into the hospital for my colon reversal surgery on Thursday, March 1st.@ 6:30AM to have my colon hooked back up to my intestines and get my colostomy bag removed finally.I...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 02:34:00 PST

Pray for me please =) thank you!

Brethren,I have a need..I'll be going in the hospital again soon for another colon reversal surgery and to get my colostomy bag off. My intestines will be hooked back up... There's always a risk invol...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:18:00 PST


This blog is for those that want to post their personal experience testimonies of how they came to know the Lord God, rededicated their lives to God, or even how my space has affected t...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 06:14:00 PST

Satan's Meeting

 Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.   In his opening address he said, "We can't keep Christians from going to church." "We can't keep them from reading their Bibles a...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:32:00 PST

The truth about American Broadcast Television

The mainstream media in American broadcast television is run by the "left", a bunch of lying, bias, liberal Democrat Christian haters with no fear of God.  Their agenda is to lie while covering u...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 05:57:00 PST

First blog message

Ok, Nello here, this is day one 3-30-06 and I just started this thing. So far I have pix and soundz. I'll get this thing going as time allows. Went to the Dr. today. He said my sugar's a bit high now...
Posted by -=Nello=- on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:48:00 PST