SUMMER'S SWEETHEART <3 profile picture


We gotta stop living under the impression that we get what we deserve.......

About Me

Well, I live in Georgetown with David, We are finally getting settled into our very first HOME. We have been married 4 trying but wonderful years, but still enjoy every minute of marriage! I work at Berry Creek Country Club as the events Captain and a server. David and I have 4 children, Ok, they are pets but they do have attitudes and tempers and needs! The 3 S's: Sable and Simon, the cats, and Sayde the Boxer puppy and our newest addition EARL the "girl" FISH. I am now 26 just one step closer to turning 30. David Graduated from TEXAS A&M on August 10th 2007!!!! We are very excited and proud of him!!!! I have a great family who supports me and David in everything we do. My Nephew "Mr.C" as my dad calls, Corbin is two half and is climbing on everything!!! Can't seem to keep his feet on the ground and when we do....they are movin'! Miss Alina Avery Dugosh was born July 8th, 2008 and I think she is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I also have Shelby, my niece (through marriage). She is 4 and becoming a more beautiful little girl everyday!!! I am sooooo looking forward to having a family of my own ASAP...but only when the timing is right (Whenever SOMEONE decides!!! AHEM!!!!) Well, I guess that's it, I'm just a "OLD MARRIED WOMAN", but I like to get down right crazy every once in a while! Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

I'm really a home body and I like to do all sorts of "old fashioned" crafts like Scrapbooking and quilting. I also like to just have a nice quiet evening alone with David. I would much rather stay home with friends than to go out. I've realized in life than when you first "fall in love" with someone you're wrong, 'cause after you have been with them for a while, you realize that you have really just begun to fall.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends, New Friends, and Stay connected to my Current Friends!


I am 100% Country girl, with a little alternative and Christian here and there!


I love the sappy movies, the more tearjerking the better. I also like comedy, anything with Jim Carrey! He is hilarious! Favorite movies are A Walk to Remember, What Dreams may come, Patch Adams, Liar Liar, City of Angels, Armageddon and Bruce Almighty.


Love it! Don't know if I could live without it! Favorite Shows, One Tree Hill, 7th heaven, Friends, Reba, Deal or No Deal, Super Nanny, Wife Swap and Extreme Makeover Home Edition, This one never fails, makes me tear up every single time!


Anything by Nicholas Sparks, I'm such a hopeless romantic! The Giver was one of my favorites growing up, as well as Snot Stew...


Obviously my Family, for giving me the strength and willingness to be who I am today. Also, anyone who has given their life for someone or something else. Anyone who is willing to give up their life for mine or someone elses is a hero in my book!!!

My Blog

Cause Alisha made ME..I miss her bunches

Here is how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 16 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end pick 10 people to tag and list the reasons you h...
Posted by SUMMER'S SWEETHEART <3 on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 08:54:00 PST


I'm tickled pink!!!! We close on our house tomorrow!!!! If you are ever in the Georgetown area call me, come by and see it, we are super excited!!! ~Ginny...
Posted by SUMMER'S SWEETHEART <3 on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 10:02:00 PST