Jay! profile picture



About Me

I'm me.I am complex, yet simple. I am not easily stressed, nor upset. I am incredibly flexible, and open to trying new things...in fact, I'll try just about anything once. I can scream at a hockey game, or offer an analysis of an Impressionist painting at a gallery opening. I love good French wine, or a cold PBR. I can enjoy a piece by Thelonious Monk or Rage Against the Machine in the same night. I can run 50 miles or spend an entire day at home, in my jammies, and be equally happy. I am intense in my approach to life, yet extremely laid back. I have been known to spontaneously hop on a train bound for interesting destinations. I am not stuck in my comfort zone.Yep. I'm me.

My Interests

Rocks, paper, scissors, extreme peanut eating, the letter G, and smelly dead things (when they don't smell too bad). I also kinda like the shavings that are left over, after you sharpen a burnt sienna crayon.

I'd like to meet:

People that are not me, but could be me if they tried really really hard. Close your eyes, click your heels, and say, "I want to be Jay." When you open your eyes, if you are me, then I'd really like to meet you.


Verdi, Metallica, Holden, Radiohead, Simon & Garfunkel, New Order, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Sinatra, David & David, Yes, Thompson Twins, The Smiths, Decemberists, Thelonious Monk. Yeah, pretty much anything you've got is good by me.


Olbermann Commentary on Current Administration

Big Lebowski, Scarface, Taxi Driver, Zentropa, Apocalypse Now, Blue Velvet, Mystic River, Leaving Las Vegas, Manhattan, Goodfellas, Grapes of Wrath.


Seinfeld, Simpsons, Sopranos, Family Guy, Arrested Development (RIP), Star Trek the Next Generation, Lou Dobbs Tonight.....


Anything about the intricacies and nuances of hidden layers of quantum mechanics in the 3rd Century. Or, brainless novels.

My Blog

The next marathon...taking votes!

OK, so the deal is that I did really well in the NYC Marathon, a few weeks ago.  Far better than expected, and I'm feeling really strong now.  What this means is that I'm psyched to do anoth...
Posted by Jay! on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 09:20:00 PST

Lou Dobbs for president!

Lou Dobbs editorial on various topics.  Lou for president!...
Posted by Jay! on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:28:00 PST

Olbermann commentary on current administration

This is 11 minutes long, but well worth watching. ...
Posted by Jay! on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:58:00 PST