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The current song on my page is for my Man. Our family is having a hard time dealing with the current deployment.The first deployment was easy this time it's harder, My husband and I are suffering from depression and it's really hard to be away from each other. We only spent a year and five months together than he was sent again to iraq, because the Army was short on man power and needed his rank.I found this song for my man letting him know we are always going to be right here for him no matter what. Baby, Please come home safe to us again. I can't wait for the day when I can be in your loving arms at night, until than I will be right here waiting for you.I miss you so much, It hurts.
My Husband is my Hero for many reasons, the first and most importent reason is that he is my best friend. He has stuck with me for the best and bad parts of my life. He gives me the courage to get through the day, and the strength to go on. He's supportive, he never lets me give up. He has served our country two times in Iraq once in 2004, Now in 2006.