3 more months! come on october!!! profile picture

3 more months! come on october!!!

I tend to dream you when I'm not sleeping

About Me

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
I'm a Mom first and foremost... motherhood is the most amazing gift that I have been blessed with. I'm also a Chef, which is another blessing... To do what I love and make a living from that.. pretty damn sweet deal. I'm also a sports fan, baseball fanatic, Christopher Walkin lovin sassy and sarcastic gal from Queens NY.. I have a great sense of humor, but absolutely no patience. I often leave places without saying goodbye.. I know it's rude, it's not what I intend, it just somehow hapens. I LOVE a good glass of Australian Shiraz, I love a day out with my crazy Jack Russells, I miss the beach, the best investment I ever made was my feather bed with foam topper and satin sheets, I like outside days on a porch with a margarita and good company, I love roller coasters and even Seuss Landing, Concerts and Sports Center are my favorite form of entertainment, baseball season makes me happy, I am NOT a healtthy gal as far as eathing habbits.. but I still remain a size 2.. women hate me for it hahaha... I'm a hopeless romantic, but I try to be more romantic than hopeless.. doesn't always end up that way but I try. I'm very humble when it comes to my successes or atributes... and I am so thankful for the way things have turned out for me. I believe people should be proud of their achievements but outright in your face cockyness is obnoxious. Being cocky and loud does NOT mean you are confident, it means you are trying to overcompensate for something you wish you really were that you know you are not and you are fooling no one. "OK first things fuckin last" (do you know what movie that's from??) STOP WITH THE ADD REQUESTS! IF I DONT KNOW YOU THEN YOU KINDLY NEED TO FUCK OFF AS I AM NOT HERE TO "HIT YOU UP, HOLLER AT YA BOY, SAY HI TO RANDOM STRANGERS, OR GRAB A DRINK SOMETIME" If you REALLY think I am someone you need as a friend even though you do NOT know me, at least have a common interest, email me and say something FUNNY and WHITTY.. I know I have nice eyes(big fuckin deal they are brown and BORING) and a big smile, but only because it's the same generic thing that every guy spits out in every pathetic email.. I am NOT NOT NOT here for dating.. I already have friends.. so unless there are some amazing similarities in our lives or you can think of a better reason to talk to me other than you "saw my pic and wanted to say hi" then you need to find a girl with a self taken bathing suit shot who IS looking for a tool JUST LIKE YOU. I'm not a total bitch, okay wait maybe I am, but last time I checked my profile says nothin about ""here for dating/relationships" or ANYTHING that says to email add or "holla" at me.
Don't go away mad. Just GO AWAY.
"so put away your fear
a morning star will soon appear
and bring an end
to this dark night
and we must run for to meet the light
watered by the blood of martyrs
blessed and blind as sons and daughters
sleep with one eye open
and live with both eyes shut

so lets find the place where sight begins
and see the things that we saw when our
eyes were bright and wet against the light
and hold on
hold tight
open daylight
we will overcome"
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My Interests



That's right, I love em both!

Funny Myspace Pictures
hmm... then there's
Being mommy
Being rained in with someone you love, and nice days outside with everyone else that you love.
orange soda
grape soda
peanut butter
chocolate covered popcorn!!
sugar in general
Music, ADD, playing pool horribly (unless I'm drunk, then I kick ass)
my crazy dogs.
concerts, more laughter, writing
ball busting
drunk texting
sober texting
a good porno
Making dinner for someone you care about
hair you can grip
chicken wings
singing out loud in the shower
cookie dough
jack russells
greeting cards
random acts of affection
my couch
mini fridge stocked with refreshing beverages in the middle of the night
Did I mention baseball?

The family I once had who are gone, the distant yet loving family that I still have, and the unmet family that I will one day have, live, and die for...
and most of all..
the mommy thing.

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Soundclips
Chris Walken my all time favorite actor, and not just cowbell band wagon shit..
and this guy, I LOVE this man!

Her Again...

That's my mommy, in the blue dress, in Edward Scissorhands..


THE USED, A WILHELM SCREAM, LINKIN PARK, PEARL JAM, THRICE, I love the older stuff too, but to hear how his voice has progressed over the years, good stuff! can't wait for the four elements project, Saosin is like my new favorite, can't get enough, Silverstein, Senses Fail, Killswitch Engage, Hot Water Music, Third Eye Blind, The Police, OutKast, Marylin Manson, U-2, JOHNNY MATHIS (yeah you heard right, I said Johnny fuckin Mathis) , The Platters, Seal, Sade, SHADOW AGENCY, COUNTING CROWS, SYNTENIC, Social Ghost, My Chemical Romance, The Cure, Nirvana, STEVIE WONDER is THE SHIT, Tori Amos, Sheryl Crow, Sting,The Supervillains ,Danny Elfman- soundtrack style not oingo boingo, SUBLIME, 3-11, Pink Floyd, Alice in Chains, Magic Mike, Green Day, NIN, but can't say I'm digigin the new album thus far, Love Chris Cornell's voice in any band, Stone Temple Pilots BEFORE he stopped doing heroin, Korn- when they still had balls, THE POSTAL SERVICE, Death Cab For Cutie, Blues Traveler, Cake, Bedouin Soundclash, Massive Attack, Near Miss, Tenacious D, Mazzy Star, Our Lady Peace, One Love, Erasure and other 80's stuff, but not cover girls or Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, I mean Depeche Mode, old Beasties, Violent Femmes, along those lines..Love 90's booty music lol!(but only at a club, not at home chillin out) Mae, Rise Against.. Snoop Dogg, Luda, System of a Down- Armenia represent!!! Group X,Stuff I can dance to that doesn't make me want to pop a cap in that ass yo or that I need an ebonics dictionary to understand (except snoop and Luda) ...I listen to mostly rock, but have a wide variety of other things I enjoy. I love accoustic mellow stuff (like Jar of Flies), angry loud rowdy shit, peaceful melodic music to relax to, just depends on the day. Sappy chic stuff sometimes, a good mix to drive to. Just depends on my life at that tiny second in time. I love music in general, but I HATE that reggaytone shit. Can't explain it, just makes me want to start a fucking bar brawl. Oh, and don't tell anyone, but I have a secret new tolerence, maybe even liking, for some country music.


Anything my mom was in. (casino, cape fear, deconstructing harry, my girl, edward scissorhands)
Resevoir Dogs... Waiting, The Princess Bride, A good porn, Meet the Parents and the Fockers, Jar Head, Anchor Man, Old School, True Romance, any one where Christopher Walkin makes a cameo appearance... Disney or Pixar films with my babygirl..


ESPN (sports center, baseball tonight, the contender) Scrubs, Mind of Mencia, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force,Comedy Central... I gave up on food network when Iron Chef America came out. Fuck Bobby Flay, he's a chode. Reality shows suck, I think that fad needs to come to a halt and creativity needs to come back. If not creativity, then silly nonsense stupid humor will suffice.



as well as any human being who has dedicated their lives to the well beiing of others. (Military, fire department, police, teachers) Any mother, single or not, who lives for the sound of their child(ren)'s voice saying the words "I love you" and would die without the sound of their laughter. And father who, regardless of how things came to be, is there for their child and knows the importance of their presence and love in that childs world. Then there is any human being who blows their nose IN THE BATHROOM or away from other people and not in front of me and the rest of the world. If it was once inside you and is expelled through ANY orafice, it should be done in private, you disgusting pig. I don't wipe my ass in front of you, don't release your snotty bacteria traping nose slime in front of me. Why is this such a casual thing for people? And WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS. (if you keep a hankercheif in your pocket that you continually use throughout the day to blow your nose, you should be quarantined and sterilized before being allowed to socialize. Yeah, it grosses me out that much)

My Blog

To be, or not to be, too good to be true

They say that if something is too god to be true, it probably is, and in the past I have whole heartedly agreed since the aftermath of my last serious relationship over a year ago. I became very ...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 07:04:00 PST


Thomas A. Edison: "Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress."   I love this quote! This coming from someone who 5 months ago was going out of her mind and was behind in ...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 09:14:00 PST


shake me so hard that I crack and I breakkeep pushing forth til no more I can takeI'm obsessive, compulsive, I'm hopeless, I'm wornI've mended my heart but the stitches have torntheres a fog...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Sun, 27 May 2007 12:19:00 PST


I hate mirrors. I can pick myself apart for days. My lips aren't full my eyes aren't blue and bright I'm not young anymore and I there are days that I FEEL IT.  I have more obligations than I hav...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Sat, 26 May 2007 07:04:00 PST

Which One Are You?

I wrote this back when I was up in Jacksonville and things were starting to really hit the fan... I was learning, but the things I was learning I did not absorb or translate until much later. I had th...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Fri, 25 May 2007 07:54:00 PST

writers block

I hate this recent writers block. It means I haven't been angry or disappointed enough to say a damn thing. Not that I want to be angry or disappointed yet again or ever again but I want what leads up...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:12:00 PST

The Fuck Your Survey Survey

Fuck Dr. Phil, I came up with my own test, and how funny, I scored a 100%.. go figure. 1. Do you sit around and wonder who the last person one of your friends recieved a text from? 2. Do you toss...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 04:38:00 PST

fuckin thrice fuckin thrice fuckin THRICE!

in case you couldnt tell.. I'm kinda stoked about the Thrice show in a few days. that is all.
Posted by Trace Ventura on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 09:24:00 PST

I fuckin love my life.

I'm not just in the frame of mind that things are going to turn around and be on the up and up.. I'm in the actuality of it all... The restaurant training/opening is going well.. We're not open to the...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:18:00 PST

On hackers, spammers, and being a stupid idiot.

Between the penis pills, the free ring tones and the god damned gift card comments.. does NO ONE fucking realize how easy it is to get passwords phished??If you get prompted to a re-log in screen and ...
Posted by Trace Ventura on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:53:00 PST