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About Me

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin.
Out of the deep silence crept the moon. A shimmering, shaven face, and I glanced at it a moment and turned away somewhat reluctantly. Because suddenly, I realized that its presence was taken for granted by me and I would live to see many more of the same. I grew up with the sounds and sights of the outside; the frosty December mornings, smoke-ice flowing from your speech. I grew up with many a silver sheened moon. Thinking only of those past ones, I recognize that the moon has not changed, as timeless as it seems, and yet I have suddenly realized that it is not the same. Once I viewed it with the awe and wonder-filled eyes-the curiosity of a child-and it smiled then. Now I gaze at it, once again, with wonder and curiosity, and the questions I asked then have not changed. Why does it exist? For whom? And how? I raise my eyes to its magnificence and all of those brethren surrounding it and those same questions arise again and again. The answers are as distant as the moon is itself. I do not despair, yet the wonder and somewhat incomprehensibleness makes me feel small and petty-and in silence I gaze and gaze-eyes reflecting its full radiance.

My troubles fade quickly, like a low hung fog, when I am kissed by the sunburst of Her Love. She is like the life giving, golden, sunbeam on my withering limbs; She is gentle , like a cool breath of wind, She brings me the calm of a peaceful evening, settling on the confusion of mass transit.
Smiling like a blooming rose, full and beautiful in its oneness and color, yellows, and reds, and white; She settles lightly on my spirit, as lightly as a raindrop on a blade of grass; a butterfly on a blooming flower; a nursing mother on Her newborn brood, and when She kisses me with Her flawless heart, I tremble with Life and wonder at so powerful, yet gentle, feelings we share; each new day is
And made clean and clear as the earth and trees and grasses after an early morning rain
Being a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad. The obvious, the silly, and the true had to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth's center. With the feeling that he was speaking directly to O'Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, Winston wrote:Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. -Orwell
I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe... Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger.-Daniel Webster
The Truth about 911
What your government doesn't want you to know

My Interests

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Most people can't think, most of the remainder won't think, the small fraction who do think mostly can't do it very well. The extremely tiny fraction who think regularly, accurately, creatively, and without self-delusion- in the long run, these are the only people who count. - Robert Heinlein

I'd like to meet:

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too! Modern Surrealism Artists: neo-surrealism art & digital design pictures


A-Z: A Perfect Circle-A Tribe Called Quest-Afghan Wigs-AFX-Air-Alice in Chains-Angelo Badalamenti-Ani Difranco-Aphex Twin-Autechre-Baby Namboos-Beastie Boys-Beck-Beth Gibbons-Billie Holiday-Bjork-Black Eyed Peas-Blind Melon-Built to Spill-Cake-Catherine Wheel-Chevelle-Christopher Cross-Coil-Common-Concrete Blonde-Counting Crows-Cowboy Junkies-Cream-D12-D'Angelo-Danzig-David Bowie-David Byrne-De La Soul-Deftones-Depeche Mode-Devo-Diana Ross-Digital Underground-DJ Icey-DJ Shadow-DJ Spooky-Download-Earth, Wind, and Fire-Edith Piaf-ELO-Emerson, Lake & Palmer-Eminem-Esthero-Faith No More-Fiona Apple-Foo Fighters-FSOL-George Michael-God Lives Underwater-GODSPEED You Black Emperor!-Gordon Lightfoot-Gorillaz-GUnit-Gwen Stefani-Harry Connick Jr.-Helmet-Hope Sandoval-Incubus-Jeff Buckley-Jefferson Airplane-Jethro Tull-Jimmy Hendrix-Joni Mitchell-Joy Division-King Crimson-Kiss-Korn-Kruder & Dorfmeister-Lamb-Led Zeppelin-Leonard Cohen-Lil' John-LL Cool J-Lotus-Lou Rawls-Love-Ludwig Van Beethoven-Mad Season-Marylin Manson-Maroon 5-Marvin Gaye-Massive Attack-Maxwell-Mazzy Star-Meat Beat Manifesto-Michael Jackson-Modest Mouse-Mono-Morcheeba-Mos Def-Mudvayne-Muse-NERD-Nelly-New Order-Nick Cave-Nine Inch Nails-Nirvana-Nonpoint-Nurse with Wound-Oingo Boingo-Orbital-Outkast-Pearl Jam-Pet Shop Boys-Pink Floyd-PJ Harvey-Portishead-Postal Service-Prince-Propellerheads-Q-Tip-Queens of the Stone Age-Radiohead-Rage Against the Machine-Sade-Sigur Ros-Skinny Puppy-Slipknot-Sly & The Family Stone-Smashing Pumpkins-Sneaker Pimps-Snoop Dogg-Soul ll Soul-Soundgarden-Sounds From The Ground-Spoon-Staind-Stereolab-Stevie Wonder-Sublime-Sugarcubes-Susan Vega-System of a Down-Taproot-Tech N9ne-Telepopmusik-Terence Trent D'arby-The Beatles-The Byrds-The Carpenters-The Chemical Brothers-The Commodores-The Cowsils-The Cure-The Doors-The Killers-The Mars Volta-The Rentals-The Roots-The Shins-The Sundays-The Velvet Underground-The White Stripes-They Might Be Giants-Thievery Corporation-Tone-Loc-Tool-Tori Amos-Tricky-U.N.K.L.E.-U2-Underworld-VAST-Velvet Revolver-Wagon Christ-Zero 7. . . I'm sure I missed quite a few.


Faith, Hope, and Watery Milk … Of the three, I will take Thicker milk. Since there is no Thicker Milk, Give me a little Hope. The unexamined life is not worth living.


Hunter S. Thompson
"I do not advocate the use of dangerous drugs,
wild amounts of alcohol and violence and weirdness --
but they've always worked for me."
Danney Carey
. . .the networks and governments fear the most - that one man free, expressing his own thoughts and point of view, might somehow inspire others to think for themselves and listen to that voice of reason inside them, and then perhaps, one by one we will awaken from this dream of lies and illusions that the world, the governments and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, feeds us continuously over fifty-two channels, twenty-four hours a day.
What I realized was that they don't want the people to be awake. The elite ruling class wants us asleep so we'll remain a docile, apathetic herd of passive consumers and non-participants in the true agendas of our governments, which is to keep us separate and present an image of a world filled with unresolvable problems, that they, and only they, might somewhere, in the never-arriving future, may be able to solve. Just stay asleep, America. Keep watching television. Keep paying attention to the infinite witnesses of illusion we provide you over "Lucifer's Dream Box". -Bill Hicks

My Blog


It’s been 10 hours and 10 days since you left. I’m sitting here...waiting for the words to come for your eulogy. But, somehow only tears find me. So instead, I’ll just t...
Posted by S14V3 on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:15:00 PST

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Murdered by the U.S. Government?Crimes of the StateMonday, January 21, 2008 "After hearing and reviewing the extensive testimony and evidence, which had never before b...
Posted by S14V3 on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 11:57:00 PST


Posted by S14V3 on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 12:40:00 PST

Growing In Silence

So, I was looking through some old pictures of myself when I was young and innocent and I came across a little ditty. My Mother was a dirty hippie, like myself, and she grew to love Kahil Gibran aft...
Posted by S14V3 on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:00:00 PST


Gunshots By Computer Are you lookin' for the truth?Or for another fight?If you wanna give me what I wantThen give it up tonightFreedom, ain't lookin' for noAin't lookin' for no fightIf you wanna give ...
Posted by S14V3 on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:52:00 PST

The End of America

An amazing interview with Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" She discusses our country's march toward a fascist state and how it parallels 1930's Germany...
Posted by S14V3 on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:02:00 PST

I Am A Child Of The Womb

Okay, so talk about a fork in the road... what does one do with fucking thoughts of failure? He tucks them deep inside and hides them from your Mother. Your fucking whore of a mother who sucks bag...
Posted by S14V3 on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 02:09:00 PST

The Origins of Evil

This is Michael Tsarion's amazing video presentation The Origins of Evil (2005) where he ... all » delves deep into the history to discover where exactly has the manifestation of evil be...
Posted by S14V3 on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 12:19:00 PST

Losing Track is Back

As credits rollEXT. CITY STREET-NIGHTWe begin flying just above the trees. Our slow moving POV brings us down past power lines, past traffic lights until we eventually reach the middle of the street...
Posted by S14V3 on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:45:00 PST


Here's one way of looking at it...When I finally discovered the twelve dimensions of Creation, I was astounded by the symmetry of the Creator's work. In physics, symmetry is a sign that a theory is...
Posted by S14V3 on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 12:15:00 PST