My names Gabriela Yesenia. I haven't been walking this earth for so long, I've made mistakes, learned from them and tried to move on. I've learned life throws you hard balls but its only to help you open your eyes and appreciate when you have something solid. Through all the ups and downs I've had, I realized to distingish the people that actually matter and the people who just stick around when they're in need.
Love is nurishment. Don't ever argue with someone and leave without resolving it. You'll never know if its the last time you might get to see them. Never leave anyone you love without letting them know how much you care, because it might be the last chance you get to tell them. I forgive quite easily and this isn't necessarily a good thing. I guess thats why people try to take advantage. Its ok because I know when I do forgive, I do it with a good clean heart.
Peace and perfect harmany. I'm pretty laid back and I do my own thing. I've learned not to take things for granted. Nowadays people live such hectic lifes they don't even take a step back to breath in air. People take things for granted far to often. I've slowed down, take my time and do things with patience. I live for today, learned from yesterday, look forward to tomorrow.
Respect is key. I like to meet new people. I treat them the way I wish to be treated. Don't jump to conclusions because when you do more then likely you're missing out on an opportunity to experiance something new.
Unity is a new opportunity for humanity. If we don't stop and unite with the people around us, what type of future do we expect? Theres so much chaos around the world over stupid illogical things, so many lifes lost daily. If we all unite we would could accompish great hights.Home