Music, girls, stealing thousand dollor snowboards, recording funny ass videos with friends
SOAD!!!11167 Daron or Serj Mostly
Anything that sounds good to my ears.. can be rap with a commen beat, or some weird floyd animals album type shit. Personaly like SOAD, Rage, RHCP, Led Zepplin, Metallica, Eminen (When he wasn't Maintstream, 'Slim Shady LP) Micheal Jackson (When he was black) Weazer, Queen, Scorpions, Jimi Hendrix, Tool.. Cant really think right now, BUT.. TFOA is in the top 1 for sure
Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next. Anything that makes me laugh.. UHF
no TV for me.. just when my internet is BROKEN i watch pornucopia and late night specails on HBO.. just to get around during the day
good one.
enrique eglisias