Linden is on Facebook profile picture

Linden is on Facebook

If you're not in it, you're in the way...

About Me

I'm still not sure why I'm here yet. Even less so than when I signed up, oddly enough. I'm a fairly straight-up guy- what you see is what there is. Honest, truthful, understanding (I surprise myself sometimes, disappoint myself others), up for a laugh.

My Interests

Music, mainly. Listening to and creating. I'm trying to get myself on the production path (of any and all kinds of stuff) but it's a slow (but rewarding) process.

Computers (I'm an Apple man- PC people, spare me your crap, please!).

Food from around the world. Being the traveller I am, I like to sample cuisines and delicacies wherever I go. There isn't much I don't eat; I'm quite easy to feed.

Women! I'd like to say at this point this is only a passing interest, and that my knowledge/experience of such subject is painfully limited! ;-)

I'd like to meet:

Smart people. Cool people. Funny people. People who are a bit crazy because they just ARE, rather than because they WANNA be or feel they should. People with similar interests. People with entirely different interests. People with whom I can get chatting and totally forget what time it is and what I should have done that day. You know the type, right?


I'll only ignore it. All the people in my list are actual friends, either in real life or regular internet contact. Wanna be a friend of mine? I'm all for it! Message me, let's talk for a minute, see what the vibes are... But I'm not adding anyone I've never communicated with, nor anyone I'd never talk to even if I had accepted, nor anybody who simply asks to be added.

Should you absolutely insist on adding someone you have no real interest in, find my other page here: .



All kinds. There's very little I can't listen to. With the EXCEPTION of:

UK Garage



Trance (of any kind)

...I'll listen to and appreciate whatever I'm given. All those with more 'out there' music tastes, come teach me something- I'm willing to learn.


I don't get to watch too many as I'm never sat still for long enough. My attention span is embarrassingly bad when it comes to flicks.What I will say is I'm not really down for the Hollywood Blockbuster. I like the more low-budget, abstract kinda vibe nowadays. Once on a trip to Australia I was in a hotel whose cable TV had a world movies channel. It's the only day EVER when I was totally happy to just watch TV all day (bear in mind it was 30-something degrees outside) as they showed all these weird and fucked up flicks. Quality.


TV sucks. I hate it. Never watch it. Unless there's a decent movie or comedy coming on I won't even switch it on. I don't even have a TV in the house...


Should read more. I used to be a real bookworm back in the day; can't really figure out at what point in my life that fizzled out. This is something I really wanna get back into- anyone who can teach me something in THIS field I'd consider a dear friend...


Hmmm. I've become a little sceptical of this whole hero thing after one of my childhood ones went under investigation for allegations of child abuse. Kinda takes the shine off it a little, y'know?

My Blog


Fog has been the bane of my life these last two days. Yesterday it turned what was meant to be a 2 hour round trip to Reading and back ended up taking about SIX due to the M4 being a fucking nightmare...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 09:55:00 PST

I'm going to...

...Miami. Imagine that. First time at the WMC in 6 years, first time in Miami in 4 years, first time in America in 2. It's been a while. Still, I could do with another trip away to take my mind off th...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:00:00 PST

The value of sleep

This past weekend I learnt the value of sleep. Went out on Wed night to a gig in Guilford (I guess an hour and a bit outside London) with SP and GQ; they were playing, I just tagged along for a laugh....
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 02:10:00 PST

My last coupla days...

...have been fairly eventful. A good few people have, as well as enquiring as to my safety and ting (which I of course appreciate) certain folk from further afield asked exactly where I am/was in r...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My weekend (newly posted as Myspace was F-ed)

Played Frankfurt on Fri. Party wasn't overly busy but it didn't matter, as the vibe inside was INSANE. Played a good 3 hours, easy. Great fun. Had about 4.5 hrs sleep in order to get back to the airpo...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

And the moral of this story is...?

Bit of a bizarre one, this. Headed to the Far East for yet another musical excursion with the Brasilians. The flight is about 12hrs to Hong Kong and I've got a middle seat inbetween two women with ins...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Insomnia is a fuddamucka...

WHY CAN'T I SLEEP?!?!?!?! >:'o(
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Today is a dark day... >:-( I got a knock on the door about 20 minutes ago from a young cousin of mine in tears telling me the cousin I live with and her niece's babyfather just got JACKED. Two man run up on her from behin...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My First Entry (in the journal, nasty...)

...and I'm not quite sure what to put in it. Actually, I'm not really sure what to do at all on this site. I kinda got talked into it- not that it even took much talking- and now I have this little ar...
Posted by Linden is on Facebook on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST