People, music, intellectual stimulation, artistic expression. It's not what you do but the company you keep.
Everyones invited!
I listen to EVERYTHING, hip hop, rap, classical, country, metal, sing alongs, uhmm Hey I'm just Versatile.
I vote yes. Some of the movies that are in my collection: Alice in Wonderland, Bound, Bugs Bunny golden collection volume 1, the Crow, Beauty and the Beast, Dancing at the Blue Iguana, Love and Sex, Lion King, Prey for Rock N' Roll, the Little Mermaid,Dracula, Underworld, Invader Zim,Secretary, Under the Tuscan Sun, Nightmare before Christmas, Tomb Raider....You get the idea Strippers, Vampires, Cartoons, guns and weapons of mass seduction.
"Those who mind, don't matter and those that matter, don't mind"~dr. seuss
I am guilty, yes. I am a bookworm. Pop up books are my favorite! no, wait the ones that have different textures..those roq! I would be a librarian but who knew you needed a degree?! I thought all that was needed was glasses, and to know the dewey decimal system.
All the strong women in my life: family, friends, teachers, Martha Stewart and of course Betty Crocker. Doh, I forgot Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Chastity!!