we are in nicaragua right now. check out our nica blog at www.awn2007.blogspot.com
i always enjoy the eclectic loveliness of CJSR (88.5) and CKUA (94.9). my other loves: ben harper, tom waits, michael franti, kd lang, k'naan, the mejia godoy brothers, ani difranco, fiona apple, mercedes sosa, leonard cohen, tori amos, wilco, liz phair (her old stuff), sage francis, the weakerthans, dar williams, jane's addiction, corb lund band, M.I.A, lucinda williams, nick drake. it makes me smile when someone that i love strums a guitar, and i love it when my friends sit around playing wtih their drums. silence is nice too.
i dont have cable...but i still have lots of room in my heart for tv love. freaks and geeks, deadwood, buffy (oh sweet buffy), six feet under, sportsnight, america's next top model (shameful but true), the office, grey's anatomy, project runway, the sheild, degrassi (classic and next gen), arrested development, the wonder years...
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