#Justin profile picture


Life gives you lemons, make a battery.

About Me

So lately I have had an overwhelming desire to design, make things, build things and just create in general. But at the same time I really dislike spending money and have a hard time justifying spending money on goofy projects which serve no particular value. (I buy food at the grocery twice a week, so I have no problem spending money on food obviously.) SO instead of making cool things, I go to libraries get books, read the introductions and stack them on my desk and peruse the internet looking through all the cool stuff I could make if I would just spend some money.

My Interests

its all good
But I particularly enjoy taking pictures, riding my bike, reading, teaching, and eating


New music, that is good.


I like movies. I have some. Sometimes I watch them.




In the last 18 months or so I think I have finished all of one book. I have picked up many, but from cover to cover the only book I have finished is Waiting for Godot.

My Blog

We are here on earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you differently.

Kurt is up in heaven now...
Posted by #Justin on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:38:00 PST

MN Senate race

Here I thought the presidential race was getting an early start, now the senate race on, at least in the frozen tundra that is Minnesota. Well I don't know if it can be a race if there is only one can...
Posted by #Justin on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:41:00 PST

What do you think of your keyboard?

So I just posted this as a bulletin, but here it is in blog form in case anybody missed it. If you are kind enough to share your thoughts, and I hope you do, please make haste, as I am, not surprising...
Posted by #Justin on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:56:00 PST

I totally missed it

So apparently today there was a giant pillow fight today in Minneapolis. And I totally missed it. How much fun would that have been. Urban warfare at its finest. I totally would have snuck out of w...
Posted by #Justin on Sun, 21 May 2006 07:10:00 PST


Silent, quick and deadly ninjas are a force to be reckoned with. I know I have long since been curious about these deadly phenomenona. One has to be cautious when investigating such a power and deadly...
Posted by #Justin on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:30:00 PST

Mental Munchings

So lately I have taken a liking to video blogs. I do not even remember how it started but I am hooked now. Audio podcasts just don't do it for me. I will read written text blogs but the video blogs ar...
Posted by #Justin on Mon, 08 May 2006 03:43:00 PST


Angie and I host our Cereal Smorgasbord today. It was a smashing success. Thank you to all those who joined us and for those of you that did not. You missed out. Lots of cereal, puffs, sugary pira...
Posted by #Justin on Mon, 01 May 2006 10:50:00 PST

Challenge Yourself

So I just found out that it is TV Turn Off Week. This is not a big deal for most you, I can't think of anyone who would be reading this that just sit in front of the TV for hours on end. I was r...
Posted by #Justin on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 08:06:00 PST

Nerd Alert!

Apparently they are setting it up so that using your credit card in the real world with get you gold in the virtual world.  Read the full article...
Posted by #Justin on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 03:37:00 PST

Now that's what I am talking about

Posted by #Justin on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 07:34:00 PST