Hey, I'm Ash! That's short for a ridiculously long name....Aislinn Magenta Raphael De'Ath if you must know....Sometimes I feel like I was born into the wrong era. It's like the world's spinning too fast. STOP! I want to get off!WITH A ROSARY TUCKED INSIDE HER BRA, SHE TUMBLED DOWN TO BEAUTIFUL SINI love; THEATRE friends LEATHER JACKETS being different CHOCOLATE eye make up PHOTOS the sea MUSIC books FILMS flirting DRESSES high heels LAUGHING singing out of tune PURRING art DRAMA burlesque CORSETS manga IRELAND new york COSTUMES sexy dudes TATOOS pretty girls PATTERN TIGHTS legwarmers LEVIS food SHIBBY COCKTAILS making up words GETTING GOOD GRADES sun loving STOCKINGS being 'pale and interesting' BEING MISTAKEN FOR NAIVE old cars SINGING COMPLETELY OUT OF TUNE dancing as if no one's watching SCARING MYSELF SILLY nail varnish BEING PAMPERED comics BATMAN pole dancing SEAMED STOCKINGS compliments MEN WHO SAY WHAT THEY MEAN art SUNBATHING curling up with an old movie BEING THE QUEEN getting drunk with my beautiful girlfriends HUTTON being loved and loving in return DUMBY long hot baths DOING WHAT THE TUP I WANT!I love people that take my breath awayI only wear something if I love it, and if that happens to be my usual regalia of seamed stockings and pencil skirts with heels? Well that's fine with me. Stop telling me I'm overdressed-it sounds a lot like jealousyMagenta's final thought....Above all other things....be yourself....
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