Val profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Me. Gosh, how can I explain me :) I'm imperfect, but loved by my Creator and my husband. I'm a people person that loves Jesus and having a good time (some people think those are mutually exclusive...they definitely aren't :) Right now, my husband Matt and I have a couple of small businesses. We sell giant bean bag chairs online ( CLICK HERE TO VIEW) and we own a little sign shop in Belfast, Maine. We just moved to a cute little house/cabin not to far from our shop. It is adorable! No kids yet, OK, gotta change this line...WE'VE GOT ONE ON THE WAY :) On a more spiritual note, lately I have been amazed with God's blessing and provision despite our weaknesses. I guess that sums me up, at least for now :)

My Interests

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Blonde
Height:: 5'5
Favorite Color:: Blue
Screen Name:: itrustinhimtoo, heavenlybeanbags
Favorite Movie:: Anne of Green Gables
Favorite Show:: Prison Break
Your Car:: A minivan - hehe
Your Hometown:: West Palm Beach, Florida
Your Present Town:: Gardiner, Maine
Your Crushes First Name:: Matt, my hubby.
Your Grade:: Life
Your Style:: Don't have much :)
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Not on mine, but on a friends
Kissed someone in the rain?: yup
Danced in a public place?: yup
Smiled for no reason?: probably
Laughed so hard you cried?: definitely
Peed your pants after age 8?: yup
Written a song?: many
Sang to someone for no reason?: yup
Performed on a stage?: yup
Talked to someone you don't know?: of course.. daily
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yeah, but would like to do so more often
Made out in a theatre?: hmmm...trying to remember
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yup
Been in love?: still am
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: jacqui
Tell you, I love you?: matt
Kiss you?: matt
Tell you BYE?: matt
Take your photo?: matt
Call your cell phone?: my sis, tara
Buy you something?: my uncle mac
Go with you to the movies?: matt
Sing to you?: myself, in the shower :)
Write a poem about you?: matt
Text message you?: holly or jacqui
Touch you?: matt
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: just now when i realized how many times i answered matt!
Time you cried?: when i found out our store in the mall was going to have to close
Movie you watched?: bourne identity
Joke you told?: shut up cinderblock :) ask me about it, its the only joke I remember
Song you've sang?: 10:43, one i wrote a few years back
Time you've looked at the clock?: about a half an hour ago
Drink you've had?: Matt made me a fruit shake this morning
Number you've dialed?: Tara
Book you've read?: the Bible
Food you've eaten?: fried chicken!
Shoes you've worn?: crocs
Store you've been in?: our store
Thing you've said?: hi, how are you today....talking to a customer
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yes, ever since i broke my right wrist
Whistle?: yes
Blow a bubble?: yes
Roll your tongue in a circle?: yes
Cross your eyes?: yes
Touch your tongue to your nose?: almost
Dance?: only line dance
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yes
Speak a different language?: barely
Impersonate someone?: woody wood pecker :)
Prank call people?: not since high in big trouble
Make a card pyramid?: nope
Cook anything?: learning
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: butterfly...:)
I wish ...: i could hear God's voice more clearly
So many people don't know that ...: i can sing soprano (i just found out)
I am ...: God's child despite my weaknesses
My heart is ...: a bit broken lately, but i know God has a plan
You've been totally Bzoink*d

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to catch up with old friends from The Kings Academy, Samford and Chop Point.

My Blog

My First Blog

Welp, I'm learning this myspace stuff slowly but surely.  From what I hear, I'm starting a little late in the game :)  Oh well, better late than never!  Thanks to my friends Holly and J...
Posted by Val on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 04:44:00 PST