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Zee Dastagir

Time to do work... I'm clocked in.

About Me

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Disclaimer from Zee Dastagir:

WARNING: Zee Dastagir may cause depression, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, anorexia, bipolar, dependent personality, paranoid personality, separation anxiety, paronia, obsessive-compulsive, schizophrenia, delusional, social phobia, stuttering, shortness of breath, lurking in bushes, watching every move, hacking into accounts & identity theft just to name a few. But, you don't have to take my word for it... Just ask my "ex-girlfriends."


Quote of The Week:

I paid my dues...
You keep the change.

My Current Mindstate:

I always wore my heart on my sleeve like it never went out of fashion.

Zee D.

About Me:

Number One: I'm blunt- I say things that everyone only thinks in their head. What can I say, I think out loud. Call it as I see it, I won't hold my tongue because everyone has a right to their own opinion. I live by this rule: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Number Two: I have the best sense of humor, I can make myself laugh all the time. Yes, "make myself laugh." I rather laugh at you than having you laugh with me. Sorry.

Number Three: I will give you my honest opinion. In this day and age when everything is fake... Fake Gucci, fake Prada, fake smiles, the least we can do is be real with ourselves. So I call it like I see it.

Number Four: Nice guys finish last and I refuse to lose. I'm a asshole... Hey, I never said I was perfect. I have flaws and I learned to live with them, rather than changing into something I'm not.

Number Five: I am very simple, because I never used to be. With time comes change and I guess it was my time to change. So I rid of all the shallowness and any other word you can think of that might describe being superficial. Not in a sense of being conceited or arrogant but superficial of things that do not mean anything at the end of the day- the surface. No longer I search for the extraordinary, because the simple things in life mean way more. Things that do matter: Good Family, Good Friends & Good Health. Look closely at the ordinary in your life. While you're being grateful, don't forget to express sheer gratitude for how beautiful the ordinary really is. We can easily overlook it, take it for granted because we forget how sensational the familiar is. Thank God for every detail of my ordinary world. I have searched high and low, near and far... I can finally say, I have found my "Happy Place" and I didn't have to even leave my house. Yeah, I do have a few flaws, but I have accepted them and they have made me... Me. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Real recognize real & hoes do too.

Zee D.

Who I'd "wouldn't" like to meet:

Go play in traffic.


The story of my life is told through notes... It is acceptance, agitation, alarm, amusement, anger, angst, anticipation, apprehension, awe, bitterness, boredom, calmness, comfort, compersion, contentment, confidence, confusion, depression, disappointment, discontentment, disgust, desire, delight, elation, euphoria, embarrassment, envy, ecstasy, fear, frustration, glee, gladness, gratitude, grief, guilt, hate, happiness, homesickness, hope, horror, humility, joy, jealousy, kindness, loneliness, love, limerence, modesty, nervousness, negativity, nostalgia, pain, patience, peace, phobia, pity, pride, rage, remorse, sadness, schadenfreude, self-pity, selflessness, shame, shyness, sorrow, shock, suffering, surprise, suspense, terror, unhappiness. That is what you call music... Any and every emotion can be felt through it.


Anything written by Deepak Chopra. He is one of the most inspiring writer/philosopher of our time.


My Family... They are the ones who made me the man I am today. I didn't bend, break or fold, all thanks to them. Especially my Father, the most intellectually profound man I have ever met. The person I strive to be like everyday. He has some really big shoes to fill and at times have trouble walking in them.


23 years old.




Can't touch this.
*Queue up MC Hammer*


New Delhi, India

Body type:

6'2 & 190 lbs.


Muslim during the weekday.
Hours of operation 9am-5pm.


Model / Actor

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The story of my life is told through notes... It is acceptance, agitation, alarm, amusement, anger, angst, anticipation, apprehension, awe, bitterness, boredom, calmness, comfort, compersion, contentment, confidence, confusion, depression, disappointment, discontentment, disgust, desire, delight, elation, euphoria, embarrassment, envy, ecstasy, fear, frustration, glee, gladness, gratitude, grief, guilt, hate, happiness, homesickness, hope, horror, humility, joy, jealousy, kindness, loneliness, love, limerence, modesty, nervousness, negativity, nostalgia, pain, patience, peace, phobia, pity, pride, rage, remorse, sadness, schadenfreude, self-pity, selflessness, shame, shyness, sorrow, shock, suffering, surprise, suspense, terror, unhappiness. That is what you call music... Any and every emotion can be felt through it.


How many times can you watch Zoolander and still laugh like its your the first time watching it? I lost count.


Entourage is awesome... And everything else is better on mute.


Who reads? I wait until they make it a feature length film.


My family.

My Blog

Happiness is a direction, not a place.

Happiness comes from within, whatever that might be for you... It only can make you happy. No matter how hard you try to put up a front of being happy... I have learned from others that you will trul...
Posted by Zee Dastagir on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:27:00 PST

Imperfectly perfect.

Perfection... Does such a thing even exist or even possible to achieve in a imperfect world? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but we continue to race towards a impossible destination. It is ...
Posted by Zee Dastagir on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 04:27:00 PST

The right place at the wrong time.

Time is a cruel and unusual reality of life. It seems it plays a joke on us time and time again. I have been a victim of this evil known as time. Took "my time" with time... I was taking it for g...
Posted by Zee Dastagir on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:08:00 PST

My yesterdays were my curse... My tomorrows are my blessing.

As my speakers play Akon: Pot of Gold... I reflect on my time. February 3, 2007 is when I came into realization that the universal law of "what comes around goes around." The times of feeling invisibl...
Posted by Zee Dastagir on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 11:07:00 PST

I lost my yesterdays... I'm trying to hold on to my tomorrows.

Time brings change. As I see it... Times change, places change and of course people change. I grew up understanding that in my life certain things will always be there no matter what... Staples i...
Posted by Zee Dastagir on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:58:00 PST